Category Archives: Entrepreneurship

The cover for my new book, Initiative: A Proven Method to Bring Your Passions to Life (and Work)

on May 9, 2019 in Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship, Exercises

Yesterday I shared the blurbs from early reviewers of my book, Initiative, set to launch May 21. Today, I’m sharing the front and back covers. I’d love your thoughts. Naturally, I want them to intrigue and attract non-readers. The front cover’s image refers to the book’s content but, I believe, stands on its own nonetheless. Reading the book will imbue the cover image with newfound meaning. Here’s the front. Initiative‘s[…] Keep reading →

The blurbs for Initiative, my new book

on May 8, 2019 in Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship

My new book, Initiative: A Proven Method to Bring Your Passions to Life (and Work), is going to press, on time for a May 21 release. In the meantime, I’ll share excerpts and inside views. Today I bring you the blurbs. I don’t know about you, but they make me want to read it. Email me if interested in reviewing it before its release to post reviews so others know[…] Keep reading →

Lifesaving ideas: firescooters, firebikes, and firedrones

on April 13, 2019 in Entrepreneurship

It’s been a while since I wrote about an idea I think would improve the world or make someone money. Ideas are cheap. We have them all the time. I’m focused on environmental leaders so would rather someone run with these ideas than let them wither. I live across the street from a firehouse. When they go out on call, the firetruck has to exit the building, then the firefighters[…] Keep reading →

Treat Failure With Respect

on March 14, 2019 in Entrepreneurship, Stories

“Fail early and often” “Fail forward” “Fail, fail, fail” The business world, especially around entrepreneurship, promotes failing as a way to learn. I recognize its inevitability and necessity for learning, but I suspect many people who promote it have never experienced devastating failure. I’ve failed huge in life and I wouldn’t speak about it as cavalierly as many do. I consider physical injury inevitable in fitness and learning and I[…] Keep reading →

How Your Tuna Is About To Get Plant-Based

on November 3, 2018 in Entrepreneurship,

How Your Tuna Is About To Get Plant-Based There are a lot of non-meat meats on the market, but not as much non-fish fish, which Ocean Hugger Foods is looking to change. I tasted their “tuna” in a sashimi roll and had CEO David Benzaquen not told me it contained only tomato, I would have guessed I was eating fish. I act more on the environment than most and believe[…] Keep reading →

Why This Entrepreneur Believes You May Soon Love Cricket

on November 2, 2018 in Entrepreneurship,

Why This Entrepreneur Believes You May Soon Love Cricket October 31, 2018 I act more on the environment than most and believe the evidence shows that innovation and technology are at most a small part of any solution. Food and our eating habits have to be a major part, which I’ve written about: Since many “green” ventures seem more interested in wrapping themselves in a trend than actually reducing consumption,[…] Keep reading →

What Makes an Entrepreneur an Entrepreneur

on November 1, 2018 in Entrepreneurship,

What Makes an Entrepreneur an Entrepreneur October 31, 2018 After positive feedback on my post clarifying the difference between leadership and management, I’m sharing what makes someone an entrepreneur and what they might be if not. Definitions are like opinions-;everyone has one and people argue over them-;so I’m not trying to tell anyone how to think. I’m only sharing a perspective that has helped me. If you use another definition[…] Keep reading →

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