Category Archives: Fitness

At a loss for words at people playing with their fat

on May 4, 2021 in Fitness, Nonjudgment, Visualization

I’m no Shakespeare, but I think I express myself well with words. Despite everyone telling me to use it more, I don’t use social media that much. Someone shared the video below. I tried to describe it to someone. I said, “These two women were showing off their fat and it looked like. . .” And I found myself unable to find anything else in nature or my experience that[…] Keep reading →

The Benefits of Staying Local

on April 23, 2021 in Fitness, Nature, Stories

I would have viewed avoiding flying as missing out until I experienced what happens when I don’t fly. I don’t sit in the corner crying, feeling sorry for myself. I develop the skills to create what I used to pay for. I’ll give a few examples how avoiding flying, or as I put it now, staying local, enriched my life. Wondering how I’d get off North America, I took sailing[…] Keep reading →

Month 6, Day 1: Fridge still off (Happy Earth Day)

on April 22, 2021 in Creativity, Fitness, Freedom, Nature, Tips

Today marks the first day of my sixth month with my fridge unplugged. My past two months’ electrical charges from Con Ed were $1.70. I used about two percent the average American’s power use. I’m still avoiding packaging, so no cans or other sealed stuff. On the contrary, I’m finding fresh vegetables and fruit stay a long time without refrigeration. Here’s my podcast episode describing my motivation. It’s not about[…] Keep reading →

3 minor fitness successes

on April 17, 2021 in Fitness, Habits

1. My heaviest kettlebell is 28 kilograms or 63 pounds. Now, exercises I couldn’t do at that weight I can do several sets of. It feels great to be able to do something easily that I used to be unable to do. I thought about getting a 32 kilogram (70 pound) on. Now I’ve decided to get one. Nothing special about moving up a weight. What feels rewarding is that[…] Keep reading →

“How Exercise May Help Protect Against Severe Covid-19” Comments

on April 14, 2021 in Fitness, SIDCHAs

The New York Times posted an article, How Exercise May Help Protect Against Severe Covid-19, by Gretchen Reynolds. I enjoy her pieces, partly because she wrote the story I learned about burpees from that prompted my sidcha. First I was going to comment only on my different way of looking at this characterization, “regular exercise—whether it’s going for a swim, walk, run or bike ride—can substantially lower our chances of[…] Keep reading →

After ten years, pushing 50, burpees are getting harder

on April 12, 2021 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

I remember the first time I saw an old person doing burpees. Her body didn’t have the flexibility or strength to do them how a younger person could. When I started mine, around 40 years old, I knew I couldn’t do them like guy in his thirties or twenties. I didn’t think about how they’d feel later. Over the years, as I’ve grown stronger and with experience, I’ve added to[…] Keep reading →

Rowing 4,936 meters in 20 minutes

on April 5, 2021 in Fitness

Nearly five years ago I set a rowing personal best for 5,016 meters in 20 minutes. Twice after, I rowed over 5,000 meters in 20 minutes. I posted then: I can’t tell you how good the accomplishment feels. I didn’t plan on doing it today. I started rowing faster and harder than usual, felt good, and kept the pace. Not long ago, I struggled to keep up 900 calories per[…] Keep reading →

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