Category Archives: Fitness

3 Meditation Updates

on March 11, 2021 in Awareness, Fitness, Habits

About ten months in to meditating 20 minutes two days out of my five-day exercise cycle, a few updates. I last updated in November on my full lotus pose. Practice is making it more comfortable. Here’s my post with the video of me in the pose. You may have noticed my sitting on a folded towel on a folded sheet. Here’s me, about to sit on the folded towel on[…] Keep reading →

Vegan Seitan Stew, 4 minutes prep time (video)

on March 4, 2021 in Fitness, Tips, Visualization

I saw a post on Reddit’s community on vegan fitness that talked about making seitan with a prep time of 90 minutes. I responded 90 minutes sounds insane. I make mine with a prep time of about two minutes. Add water and soy sauce to wheat gluten, mix with spoon then with hands, cut into pieces. Then put in pressure cooker with stew for a few minutes cooking time. Maybe[…] Keep reading →

Marathon Number Eight

on February 28, 2021 in Fitness

I woke up, ate a light breakfast, oiled the chain, set the machine for intervals of just over 1/8th a marathon, and rowed. About three and a half hours later I finished my second rowing marathon. My results: I rowed my first rowing marathon two years ago. Someone pointed out my rest periods then of 2 minutes were too long (I forget the reason, something about the body switching modes).[…] Keep reading →

4 things to remember when riding in 29 (-2C) degree weather

on February 8, 2021 in Fitness

Just back from riding out to Brooklyn across the breezy Williamsburg Bridge. I rode in 36 degrees a few weeks ago. Today was my first time this cold in a while. I thought of a few helpful tips for riding in this temperature on a windy day. 1. Extremities: I dressed to keep my extremities warm, especially fingers, toes, and ears. 2. Delivery men: Did I think I was special?[…] Keep reading →

Year 10, day 1 of daily burpees (about 163,000 and counting)

on December 22, 2020 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs, Tips

Today begins my tenth year of daily burpees, not one day missed. My spreadsheet says I’ve done over 163,000 of them. I have yet to spend one penny doing them. Since I consider them something I do instead of TV, I’ve saved time doing them too. The activity continues to evolve in its meaning and value to me, always increasing, but mostly I think of them, along with the rest[…] Keep reading →

I’m not in great shape. I just spent nearly no time or money reaching the shape I want.

on December 4, 2020 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Fitness

It occurred to me why I do so much calisthenics based on burpees, bodyweight exercises, and exercises that need nearly no equipment. It’s not to get in great shape. I’m not in great shape. I’m maybe average healthiness compared to all humans ever. I may be healthier than the average American, but Americans deviate from hundreds of thousands of years of ancestors that hunted and gathered food, not had doof[…] Keep reading →

American obesity: 42.4 percent

on November 30, 2020 in Fitness, Nature

Quoting The State of Obesity 2020: Better Policies for a Healthier America, The U.S. adult obesity rate stands at 42.4 percent, the first time the national rate has passed the 40 percent mark, and further evidence of the country’s obesity crisis. The national adult obesity rate has increased by 26 percent since 2008. Some of the data: Broken down by race and sex: I’m not calling it a silver bullet,[…] Keep reading →

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