Category Archives: Fitness

I’m too lazy for sugar, refined oils, or alcohol

on December 10, 2018 in Fitness

I turn down foods with added sugar, refined oil, and alcohol than ever. People seem to assume there’s some morality behind it. While I avoid packaging, there’s a more visceral motivation behind them. It’s about laziness, as I’ll explain. Various changes to my diet have led to losing unwanted body fat. When I started these changes, a few years ago, in my 40s, I got definition on my abs that[…] Keep reading →

Americans hate vegetables

on November 26, 2018 in Fitness, Nature

People say New York City has great food, some of the best in the world. On this trip I’ve visited Chicago, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Houston. People keep taking me to places they describe as great. No place I’ve sampled in the past month features delicious vegetables unassaulted by copious amounts of salt, sugar, or fat. Brussels sprouts are sweet enough to eat raw, but restaurants exclusively roast them[…] Keep reading →

I feel violated by what I just ate

on November 8, 2018 in Fitness

I’m traveling and ate at a restaurant. Nothing special, a vegetarian Thai place in Ventura, California. The food tasted sweet and felt slightly sticky. After I finished, I asked the waitress if they added sugar. The answer was yes, but she didn’t have the courage to answer directly. She said something like, “they might have added something.” I didn’t want sugar added. I realize I live in a world where[…] Keep reading →

“17 Creative Weekend Routines For a Happier, More Successful Week,” including plogging

on October 30, 2018 in Fitness, Habits, Tips

Thrive Global featured me and my plogging habit in the subheading. I recommend trying it. My picking up trash has led others to start doing it too, and to find they enjoy it. One even claimed she was dirt-phobic before doing it. 17 Creative Weekend Routines For a Happier, More Successful Week Stargazing, “plogging,” rom-com marathons –– which of these activities will put gas in your tank this weekend? Here’s[…] Keep reading →

Why are there more books to get fit than to get obese?

on October 24, 2018 in Fitness, Nonjudgment, Perception

Sometimes I stumble on sites saying things like This Powerful Photo Series Proves That “Fat” Is Beautiful This photo series shows that “fat” can be as beautiful as any other body type Beauty comes in all sizes and shapes There are a lot of sites like it, promoting, or proving as the first one listed said, that fat is beautiful. A lot of them. I don’t want to sound snarky,[…] Keep reading →

World Burpee Day

on October 12, 2018 in Fitness, SIDCHAs, Visualization

It turns out some people or advertisers decided to make October 12 World Burpee Day. Given my thing with burpees, I decided to play the game and post about it to see if my more than 110,000 burpees over 2,487 consecutive day wins me something. I found a few articles with headlines suggesting people barely getting started: I Did 30 Burpees For 15 Days and Here’s What Happened This Is[…] Keep reading →

My calisthenics, September 2018

on October 5, 2018 in Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs, Visualization

I’ve kept my twice-daily calisthenics routines nearly the same for a few years. Now you can see them. I settled onto through trial and error and some research, not through a trainer, so I welcome comments and suggestions. My morning routine 27 burpees (last 3 with with diamond push-ups) Hamstring stretch for 60 breaths Pike for 10 breaths 10 lying hip raises 10 45-pound weighted crunches with legs up 10[…] Keep reading →

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