Category Archives: Habits

How I feel after hard exercise versus watching TV

on September 28, 2017 in Fitness, Habits

Have you noticed the emotional difference between how you feel after exercising hard versus after watching TV? Comparing, say, rowing for 5,016 meters in 20 minutes, at over 900 calories per hour with watching TV or browsing the web for 20 minutes seems obvious but let’s compare anyway. Rowing, you want to stop soon after you started. It’s a relief to stop. TV, you can end up watching for hours.[…] Keep reading →

The massive power of habitually doing what you don’t have to do: The Ziglar Show interview

on September 20, 2017 in Audio, Habits, Leadership, SIDCHAs

An early memory is of my mother, when she moved into sales and more entrepreneurship, having Zig Ziglar books. This was the late 70s. I was in grade school and knew nothing of business or this guy, except his memorable name. I’m pleased to announce that the Ziglar show, featuring Zig Ziglar’s son Tom and Kevin Miller posted an interview of me, “The massive power of habitually doing what you[…] Keep reading →

Why I don’t drink coffee

on September 14, 2017 in Freedom, Habits

I rarely drink coffee—about a cup per decade, maybe. Partly I don’t drink it because I see how dependent people get on it, and how much they spend. Partly because the caffeine affects me so much. I drink it to stay awake only when I consider the reasons I was up late and had to get up early worthy. Otherwise I don’t drink it since I don’t want to reward[…] Keep reading →

The Joy of Running and Burpees

on September 7, 2017 in Fitness, Habits

Kari Gormley hosts the Running Lifestyle podcast and today she posted her interview of me, “The Joy of Running and Burpees.” She’s done the podcast long enough to go beyond just running to connecting it to more about life. It’s an enjoyable conversation stemming from an enjoyable part of life. Some people don’t get exercise and how it contributes everywhere. This conversation covers that joy. Listen to the podcast. Here[…] Keep reading →

How to Do More In Less Time

on August 21, 2017 in Fitness, Habits, Tips

[See below for a special extra for my blog readers] My post on LinkedIn yesterday, “How to Do More In Less Time,” began How to Do More In Less Time Who doesn’t want to do more in less time? You get funded more and promoted faster. You learn more. You get more leisure time. I don’t know about you, but I’m lazy and full of excuses. So learning from a[…] Keep reading →

How to have a great conversation in Manhattan

on August 15, 2017 in Habits, Nature

Here’s how to have a great conversation in Manhattan that works every time. Take your compost to a compost station and talk to someone else dropping theirs off. To have compost to drop off means you’ve stored it in your small apartment, probably keeping it in your freezer, until one of the days the stations is open, before they pick it up. Then you have to carry it there and[…] Keep reading →

Why I get out of bed and make it in under a minute every day

on August 10, 2017 in Exercises, Habits, SIDCHAs

Each morning since November, from my alarm going off to my turning it off, I’ve gotten up, made my bed, and crossed the room to where my phone is. I wrote more about it in “How I Wake Up in Under 1 Minute Every Day: After decades of morning sloth, for 7 months I’ve gotten out of bed in under 60 seconds each day and loved it” (EDIT: and ““Olympic[…] Keep reading →

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