Category Archives: Habits

WBECS questions and answers with me, live [video]

on July 13, 2017 in Exercises, Habits, Leadership, Tips

Earlier today I was live with the World Business and Executive Coaching Summit community, following up my webinar with them last month. We covered leadership, learning to lead, how to improve your leadership, and more. Check out the video:

A Millennial Making America Clean Again

on July 4, 2017 in Habits,, Leadership, SIDCHAs

My Independence Day post on Inc. today, “A Millennial Making America Clean Again,” begins A Millennial Making America Clean Again He’s doing a simple, small, short term act that makes a difference and is leading to more. Will you follow? I love Independence Day. I don’t eat hot dogs, nor do I care that much for fireworks. I celebrate July 4th by reading and writing about influential Americans and American[…] Keep reading →

More reasons burpees are lazy

on July 3, 2017 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

People describe the burpees I do as a lot and hard. While the number, approaching 100,000, is big, for six-and-a-half years, it’s not that many. I keep trying to reconcile the disparity. Here’s how I look at it. If burpees are the single best exercise, which fitness experts have said, and if they aren’t the best, they’re close, then doing them is an efficient way to stay fit. In other[…] Keep reading →

I Do Burpees Daily Because I’m Lazy and Full of Excuses

on June 10, 2017 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Fitness, Habits,, SIDCHAs

My Inc. post Monday, “I Do Burpees Daily Because I’m Lazy and Full of Excuses,” began I Do Burpees Daily Because I’m Lazy and Full of Excuses Not having a skill so useful as discipline is a reason to do them, which transformed my life. When I tell people about my burpee habit, their most common response is to suppose I was born with superhuman discipline. I do them daily,[…] Keep reading →

A reader I inspired inspires me back

on June 6, 2017 in Habits, SIDCHAs

Dave found this page a while ago and got in touch with me. He gets the sidcha concept and has been implementing it. In particular, he’s posted in his blog for the past 100+ days and counting. The other day he wrote me: Hey Josh, I recently wrote and published 100 blog posts in the first 100 straight days of my blog, and it’d mean the world to me if[…] Keep reading →

Leadership and the Environment Podcast episode #3: Freedom, empathy, garbage, and compost

on June 5, 2017 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Freedom, Habits,, Nature, Podcast

How much waste do you create that others have to deal with? The environment involves more than global warming. As my Inc. piece reported recently, we’re producing enough waste that an island in the middle of the Pacific, with no inhabitants and thousands of miles from any city, is covered with plastic and other waste, most of it needless garbage: I don’t know what to call that amount and kind[…] Keep reading →

Sidchas lead to achievement like nothing else

on May 29, 2017 in Exercises, Habits, SIDCHAs

Interviewers tend to ask me two questions: What’s with all the burpees? How did you do all the accomplishments? They don’t realize that doing the sidchas is what achieves the accomplishments. I wouldn’t have expected that connection before starting the sidchas. I can’t really explain it now, but I know that doing the sidchas gets the other things done. From the outside you might see sidchas as taking time and[…] Keep reading →

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