Category Archives: Habits

Bad boys, success, and discipline

on September 23, 2015 in Exercises, Freedom, Habits, Perception

America loves and hates bad boys. The media vilify and attack small transgressions. Take Howard Dean. He wasn’t even a bad boy and the media destroyed him after he expressed too much joy and he went from first place to no chance. Yet others who break more stringent rules become icons—in fact, some of our most highly regarded and lauded. Why the difference? Why did Howard Dean go down while[…] Keep reading →

I don’t have time for the elevator. I take the stairs.

on September 21, 2015 in Fitness, Habits

I live on the fifth floor and come and go from home several times a day. If I take the elevator, I have to make extra time to exercise for the time I’m standing in the elevator depriving myself of getting my heart pumping. It’s faster and more convenient to take the stairs and not spend the same time making myself more lazy.

Don’t reward yourself with unhealthy things, or anyone

on September 9, 2015 in Fitness, Habits, Tips

“I did such a great job, I deserve this.” Who hasn’t said that in front of some cookies or ice cream? “I worked hard. I earned this.” Who hasn’t said that before lazily neglecting something important, calling it indulging themselves? “This employee has never made a mistake. Let’s promote them.” How many managers have rewarded box-checking behavior like that? If you tell yourself, and behave accordingly, that something unhealthy is[…] Keep reading →

I don’t earn fitness, I enjoy it. It’s not about deprivation, it’s about doing what you want.

on September 7, 2015 in Exercises, Fitness, Habits, Perception

People see fitness as something you have to work hard for, doing painful things or spending long hours at the gym, avoiding eating things they like and having to eat things they don’t. It’s been the opposite for me. From my perspective, anyone with those beliefs doesn’t know what they’re talking about. They are confusing satisfying craving with enjoyment, sweating with misery, pleasure with good, and avoiding with depriving. People[…] Keep reading →

Why I want fewer people in my life

on August 31, 2015 in Habits, Nonjudgment, Relationships

“Dude. Why don’t you take people’s numbers / email addresses?” At a video shoot last week, three people told me they wanted to follow up with me so I gave them my contact information. Immediately after the event, I wrote in my calendar to follow up, following my habit, “Schedule your follow-up when you email!” which I apply beyond email connections. After not hearing from them, I wrote my friend[…] Keep reading →

I’m lucky: I put on fat immediately and lose it slowly

on August 29, 2015 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Fitness, Freedom, Habits

“He’s so lucky! He never puts on weight!” “She’s so lucky! She loses weight so fast!” I hear people say things like that all the time. If I eat one unhealthy meal, I can see it on my belly. But then even after running a marathon I don’t see that fat go away. Fat goes on immediately and takes a long time and a lot of work to get off.[…] Keep reading →

Schedule your follow-up when you email!

on August 26, 2015 in Habits, Tips

I just clicked send. My friend John is going to edit the article. When he sends it back I can submit it. I don’t have to think about it because I’ll know to act when I get his email. Have you ever missed a deadline this way? Or lost contact with someone? Or worried about when you’d hear back? Or forgotten about something important? Relying on your memory for following[…] Keep reading →

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