Category Archives:

365 days without flying

on March 23, 2017 in, Leadership, Nature

My Inc. article yesterday “365 days without flying,” began 365 Days Without Flying Leadership means taking responsibility for my actions and empathy for those affected It’s so easy to think greenhouse gases come from “other people,” but when I learned that a flight across the country polluted roughly one year of driving, I could no longer tell myself flying wasn’t that big a deal. So I told myself I would[…] Keep reading →

Emotional Obesity and Making Yourself Emotionally Fit and Authentic

on March 13, 2017 in Fitness,

My Inc. post today, “Emotional Obesity and Making Yourself Emotionally Fit and Authentic,” begins Emotional Obesity and Making Yourself Emotionally Fit and Authentic Laura Coe’s book, Emotional Obesity, and podcast, The Art of Authenticity, address your mind’s fitness like your body’s Can you think of anyone in a leadership position who seems inauthentic? Do you like your leaders inauthentic? We are skeptical of leaders who lack authenticity. They seem to[…] Keep reading →

90,000 burpees!

on March 10, 2017 in Exercises, Fitness, Habits,, SIDCHAs

I decided to post my regular 10,000-burpee increment update on Inc. first this time. I’m only supposed to sample the beginning of the article when it first goes up. So click to my Inc. post, “90,000 Burpees Today,” which begins 90,000 Burpees Today I started my daily burpee habit in December 2011. Today I hit my 90,000th. I’m a 45-year old man and I’ve done burpees every day since December[…] Keep reading →

How This 19-Year-Old Entrepreneur Made Himself a Media Darling

on March 7, 2017 in

My Inc. article today, “How This 19-Year-Old Entrepreneur Made Himself a Media Darling,” begins How This 19-Year-Old Entrepreneur Made Himself a Media Darling Rarely does someone who succeeds through genuine, authentic helpfulness. His strategy is the opposite of most people’s expectations. Do you like seeing your name in print? Do you want to market yourself or something you do? When you write a column in a prominent outlet like Inc.[…] Keep reading →

2,500 Blog Posts and What I Learned Writing Them

on March 3, 2017 in Habits,, SIDCHAs

My Inc. article today, “2,499 Blog Posts and What I Learned Writing Them,” began 2,499 Blog Posts and What I Learned Writing Them Today will mark my 2,500th blog post, without missing a day since January 2011 2,225 days ago, on January 29th, 2011, I wrote my first blog post of a daily streak I have continued to today and expect to continue until I can’t. WordPress users will recognize[…] Keep reading →

The heart of my leadership technique in a 46 second video!

on February 24, 2017 in, Leadership, Tips

On top of my column with Inc., I did a series of videos in their Inc. Video: The Playbook series. Other speakers in the series include Tim Ferriss and Tony Robbins. Yesterday we posted a video of me: How to Get Your Employees to Work With Passion subtitled Joshua Spodek, author of Leadership Step By Step, explains the importance of making members of your team comfortable sharing their motivations with[…] Keep reading →

2,461 Blog Posts in 2,191 Days

on January 31, 2017 in Blog, Habits,, SIDCHAs

My post Saturday, “2,461 Blog Posts in 2,191 Consecutive Days,” began 2,461 Blog Posts in 2,191 Consecutive Days What I learned in six years posting daily On January 29, 2011 I wrote the first blog post of an unbroken streak. Today finishes the sixth year. Tomorrow I’ll start year 7. Here’s the blog:, and here is an archive of all the posts. Here’s a picture of the blog[…] Keep reading →

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