Category Archives:

Explore your passions to grow, develop, and to make your work art: My talk at Creative Tech Week

on May 4, 2016 in Art, Creativity, Entrepreneurship,, Visualization

My talk at Creative Tech Week Monday followed up my column, Why Entrepreneurs Are Today’s Artists (and Why It Matters), which explored how anyone can express themselves and learn and grow through their work if they search for their passions within. Here’s the video, just taken by a camera phone from the front row. It also refers to my Don’t Be Walter posts from 2013 about the Big Lebowski.

Six Lessons I Learned at Lunch With the Best Leader in America

on April 29, 2016 in Education,, Leadership, Relationships, Stories

My post on today, “Six Lessons I Learned at Lunch With the Best Leader in America,” begins Six Lessons I Learned at Lunch With the Best Leader in America Experience trumps everything in leadership and she has more than you do. From the Girl Scouts to the White House. Is Alan Mulally, former CEO of Ford, whose stock price went up 18 times under his watch, a fair judge of good leadership? How[…] Keep reading →

America’s Best Leader Doesn’t Waste Time in Airports. Why Are You?

on April 26, 2016 in, Leadership

My article yesterday, “America’s Best Leader Doesn’t Waste Time in Airports. Why Are You?” began America’s Best Leader Doesn’t Waste Time in Airports. Why Are You? Business class and travel apps exist for a reason: because traveling is awful. If the most effective leaders can do more while traveling less then so can you. Ask someone at home about travel and they may think of the Eiffel Tower, but[…] Keep reading →

Prince’s Quirky Anti-Celebrity Habit Showed His Class Beyond Mere Fame

on April 23, 2016 in Art, Creativity, Entrepreneurship, Habits,

My article yesterday, “Prince’s Quirky Anti-Celebrity Habit Showed His Class Beyond Mere Fame,” begins Prince’s Quirky Anti-Celebrity Habit Showed His Class Beyond Mere Fame Today’s celebrities seek fame, trying hard to promote themselves. Prince was more dedicated to his craft and community, as his relationships showed. My first thought on learning Prince died was how my friends Corianna and Brianna, better known as Coco and Breezy, had been telling[…] Keep reading →

Hope Is For Losers. Here’s What Winners Have Instead.

on April 20, 2016 in Entrepreneurship,, Leadership

My story yesterday, “Hope Is For Losers. Here’s What Winners Have Instead.” begins Hope Is For Losers. Here’s What Winners Have Instead Mainstream society values hope. If you’re in business, relying on hope means you’ve nearly failed and you should know why. In a scene in the great TV show Cheers where Sam is down on his luck, Diane says in a chipper tone to cheer him up, “At[…] Keep reading →

“How to Break Rules and Succeed Like Kobe Bryant”

on April 14, 2016 in Entrepreneurship, Freedom,, Leadership

My piece today, “How to Break Rules and Succeed Like Kobe Bryant,” begins How to Break Rules and Succeed Like Kobe Bryant Kobe Bryant polarized and broke rules most of us can’t, yet earned admiration and support. Why can some people break rules, yet get support? The LA Times called Kobe Bryant “the most polarizing figure in the history of L.A. sports.” He spoke out against his team. He[…] Keep reading →

Want to Succeed as an Entrepreneur? Learn This One Lesson From ‘The Martian’

on April 6, 2016 in Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship,, Tips

My Inc. article today “Want to Succeed as an Entrepreneur? Learn This One Lesson From ‘The Martian’,” begins Want to Succeed as an Entrepreneur? Learn This One Lesson From ‘The Martian’ Think The Martian was about solving technology problems? Those were the details. You missed the big picture that ties it all together. Though engineers and space aficionados probably loved The Martian, entrepreneurs had the most to love and learn. We got the[…] Keep reading →

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