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“Resilience: What The New York Times, New Yorker and Most of Academia Got Wrong” (My Inc. story)

on April 1, 2016 in Entrepreneurship,, Leadership, Models, Perception

My latest story “Resilience: What The New York Times, New Yorker and Most of Academia Got Wrong” begins Resilience: What The New York Times, New Yorker, and Most of Academia Got Wrong If you want to be resilient, not just know about resilience, research and the media won’t help you. [the story starts with a picture of an athlete covered in mud, struggling to make it] You’re covered in[…] Keep reading →

Why Entrepreneurs Are Today’s Artists (My Inc. article today)

on March 25, 2016 in Art, Awareness, Creativity, Entrepreneurship,

Read my article on Inc. today: “Why Entrepreneurs Are Today’s Artists” It begins Why Entrepreneurs Are Today’s Artists What is today’s greatest source of creativity, expression, social change, progress, innovation, introspection, performance, determination, struggle, challenge, and even truth and beauty? Artists change how we see and think about the world. Visiting Paris’s Musee D’Orsayfor the first time in twenty years made me wonder if artists today are changing how we[…] Keep reading →

Product review: Webinarninja embarrassed me in front of customers. One of the worst products I’ve used.

on March 21, 2016 in Entrepreneurship,, Stories

EDIT: I’ve started using Webinarjam, which has worked flawlessly so far. I recommend it instead. I haven’t compared it with others beside Webinarninja, which failed me miserably and whose customer support wasted my time, so I can say it works. It’s possible there are better alternatives, but I’m happy with it. To see my use of Webinarjam in action, check out my recurring webinar describing my leadership course, which as[…] Keep reading →

My Inc. post: Trump: Why Voters Love Him and What You Can Learn From Him (Even If You Hate Him)

on March 18, 2016 in, Leadership, Nonjudgment, Perception

My Inc. post today, “Trump: Why Voters Love Him and What You Can Learn From Him (Even If You Hate Him),” begins Trump: Why Voters Love Him and What You Can Learn From Him (Even If You Hate Him) Love him or hate him, he’s effective at something and you can learn what works from his technique. An example confusing people trying to understand Donald Trump: the picture above shows[…] Keep reading →

My Inc. piece today: How Beatles Producer George Martin Succeeded Where Every Label Failed

on March 9, 2016 in Art, Choosing/Decision-Making, Entrepreneurship,, Models, Perception

My post at Inc. today, “How Beatles Producer George Martin Succeeded Where Every Label Failed,” begins: How Beatles Producer George Martin Succeeded Where Every Label Failed George Martin signed the Beatles in 1962 after every British label rejected them. How the experts missed the opportunity happens more than you think. I played Abbey Road until the stylus on my child’s cheap record player destroyed each groove from Come Together to[…] Keep reading → Today: This Insidious (and Subtle) Innovation Myth is Killing Your Creativity

on March 4, 2016 in Creativity, Entrepreneurship,, Models

My post today on, “This Insidious (and Subtle) Innovation Myth is Killing Your Creativity,” begins: This Insidious (and Subtle) Innovation Myth is Killing Your Creativity This specious myth is so commonly held enough that few challenge it. Yet overcoming it is easy and rewarding. Thomas Edison was an outlier. For someone to invent so many products and succeed with so many, even accounting for his failures, just doesn’t happen,[…] Keep reading →

My Inc. post today: Like TED Talks? This 99-Second Video Covers Them All

on February 29, 2016 in Humor,, Visualization

My post today on, “My Inc. post today: Like TED Talks? This 99-Second Video Covers Them All,” begins: Like TED Talks? This 99-Second Video Covers Them All Everyone loves inspiration, so we enjoy TED talks. But do they change behavior or just make us feel inspired? Who doesn’t love feeling inspired? I do, so for a long time I loved TED talks. No longer. Why not? Because I distinguish[…] Keep reading →

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