Category Archives: Visualization

World Burpee Day

on October 12, 2018 in Fitness, SIDCHAs, Visualization

It turns out some people or advertisers decided to make October 12 World Burpee Day. Given my thing with burpees, I decided to play the game and post about it to see if my more than 110,000 burpees over 2,487 consecutive day wins me something. I found a few articles with headlines suggesting people barely getting started: I Did 30 Burpees For 15 Days and Here’s What Happened This Is[…] Keep reading →

My calisthenics, September 2018

on October 5, 2018 in Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs, Visualization

I’ve kept my twice-daily calisthenics routines nearly the same for a few years. Now you can see them. I settled onto through trial and error and some research, not through a trainer, so I welcome comments and suggestions. My morning routine 27 burpees (last 3 with with diamond push-ups) Hamstring stretch for 60 breaths Pike for 10 breaths 10 lying hip raises 10 45-pound weighted crunches with legs up 10[…] Keep reading →

Three simple proposals to reduce pollution

on September 18, 2018 in Awareness, Choosing/Decision-Making, Nature, Visualization

I understand that many people reduce their pollution just from knowing how much they pollute. Planes How about having every airplane ticket show how much pollution and greenhouse gas emissions each flight causes—designed, prominent, and easy to read, like an Energy Star label or cigarette warning? I’d add a relevant comparison number, like IPCC recommendations. Like this, from, Cars How about gas pumps show that information as you fill[…] Keep reading →

American men and their breasts

on August 24, 2018 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Fitness, Nonjudgment, Visualization

The United States today probably has the largest population in history of men with breasts caused by voluntary choices. There are other causes than voluntary choices as this Newsweek article says, It can sometimes be hereditary but is more commonly spurred by conditions like obesity, chronic kidney disease or an overactive thyroid, as well as by certain medications like steroids that cause hormone levels to shift. but many men choose[…] Keep reading →

Obesity, internal conflict, and choice

on August 18, 2018 in Fitness, Nonjudgment, Visualization

Measuring grocery store floor space implies the diet of people living near it, as I wrote in Fat, Manhattan real estate, profit, and where obesity comes from. Since every American food store I’ve seen sells more salt, sugar, and fat-based foods than whole plants, the floor space implies people eat a lot of salt, sugar, and fat. Specifically, they choose to spend their hard-earned money on salty, sugary, and fatty[…] Keep reading →

Independence from garbage, even on my body

on July 4, 2018 in Fitness, Freedom, Visualization

July 4th, Independence Day is about freedom. Usually political freedom. I’m posting today on personal freedom. Last month I posted a video on how more than a year’s worth of garbage fit in a canvas bag. I made two videos that day—one with my shirt off to show the result to my body of avoiding garbage. I held off on posting the shirtless one to stay more conservative given my[…] Keep reading →

Life lessons from 1883 Montana

on June 20, 2018 in Awareness, Fitness, Visualization

People keep acting like I have some special discipline that most people don’t. They think the burpees, cold showers, avoiding packaged food, and so on take effort. They don’t. Creating a lifestyle where they are normal and easy took effort—a once-in-a-lifetime effort—followed by their being the default for the rest of my life. Almost no willpower or discipline needed. People don’t believe me. I think they find it easier to[…] Keep reading →

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