Search Results for: farm

597: Josh Martin, part 2: If at first you don’t succeed . . .

on June 22, 2022 in Podcast

Josh Martin started to do his commitment to shop at the farmers market, but it didn’t connect. I think we didn’t connect it to his experience of the environment. We decided to find a new commitment by connecting more intrinsically. We spoke on sustainability, nutrition, health, sports, and many things, him from the position of an entrepreneur former athlete, me from a troubleshooting perspective. The result was covering many topics,[…] Keep reading →

597: Josh Martin, part 2: If at first you don’t succeed . . .

on June 22, 2022 in Podcast

Josh Martin started to do his commitment to shop at the farmers market, but it didn’t connect. I think we didn’t connect it to his experience of the environment. We decided to find a new commitment by connecting more intrinsically. We spoke on sustainability, nutrition, health, sports, and many things, him from the position of an entrepreneur former athlete, me from a troubleshooting perspective. The result was covering many topics,[…] Keep reading →

Sustainability realizations and gut punches

on May 28, 2022 in Nature

Mainstream culture seems to believe the opposite of the following. They’re generally systemic effects like that building roads increases traffic in the long run, even though while you’re stuck in traffic it feels like more roads would decrease it. Sustainability = Freedom (most people think sustainability means risking reverting to the stone age) Doof impoverishes communities (most people say eating healthy costs more, implying doof saves money) Farmers markets save[…] Keep reading →

Lies, damned lies, and excuses to keep polluting

on May 24, 2022 in Addiction, Models, Nature

The biggest challenge to sustainability isn’t a lack of solar panels or carbon taxes. They result from our behavior, which results from our beliefs and culture. Among the biggest challenges is changing those beliefs. To change them, we have to identify them. I think we know they aren’t supposed to be true, just satisfy our consciences enough to let us sleep at night, that I can call them lies. We[…] Keep reading →

Our culture destroyed theirs, but which had better health, mental health, meaning, and purpose?

on May 22, 2022 in Models, Relationships

In a podcast post last week where I shared how history, anthropology, and archaeology contradict many of our views that we are living in the best times. This view leads us to think, “we may have pollution, but at least we live better than any time before,” which leads us to fear reducing our consumption, which leads nearly everyone to focus on increasing solar, wind, and nuclear first, reducing fossil[…] Keep reading →

All Glory: day two riding from Princeton to Philadelphia

on May 15, 2022 in Fitness

Yesterday I wrote Equal parts misery and glory: today’s ride from New York to Princeton. Today: puffy white clouds and blue skies. It started chilly and foggy but warmed up to make yesterday’s ride worth it, like when the home team is down and scores to come-from-behind and win in the final moments. Still lots of plastic packaging that nobody seemed to care about. Today we rode about 55 miles,[…] Keep reading →

Health and longevity of other cultures

on May 2, 2022 in Awareness

We tend to think we live in the most free, healthiest, longest-living, most egalitarian, most stable culture humans have ever had. In some cases, yes, but in others, it turns out otherwise. It seems we project onto other times and cultures what will make us feel better about our own. I like feeling good about myself, but an inaccurate view keeps me from improving my situation. I want to understand[…] Keep reading →

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