Search Results for: marathon

Struggling through woozy adversity

on November 23, 2017 in Fitness, Habits, Nature, SIDCHAs

Sorry to write about something unpleasant during a holiday about food, but the past couple days, I don’t know what I ate, but something didn’t agree with me. Sorry if you consider it too much information, but I consider it a part of life. My gastrointestinal tract was unsettled, keeping me up at night, forcing me to go to the bathroom a lot, so I only slept a few hours[…] Keep reading →

At 46, I have the fitness of an under-20-year-old. You can too.

on November 7, 2017 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

I may sound like I’m bragging or humble-bragging, but I’m just sharing my results from answering the questions at a web page,, that an article in the New York Times, How to Age Well, linked to. It says that At 46 years old I have the fitness of an under-20-year-old. Old man still got it. So read it and weep, all of you who value fitness but don’t practice[…] Keep reading →

On the Schmooze with Robbie Samuels

on September 26, 2017 in Audio, Leadership

Robbie Samuels hosts the On the Schmooze podcast and today he released his conversation with me, “Leadership Through Living.” I love that, unlike many podcasters, he enjoys the conversation and has fun, not just asks questions. Listen to the conversation Listen to the conversation Robbie’s show notes: Today’s guest is an “astrophysicist turned new media whiz” who has earned five Ivy League degrees and holds six patents. He helped build[…] Keep reading →

I prefer fitness

on September 24, 2017 in Fitness, Nature

I was teased for being chubby as a kid and wore a t-shirt at the beach and pool to cover myself. I was athletic in college and graduate school, though didn’t eat that healthily. I thought I did, but I ate a lot more fiber-removed food than I would today (that is, any) so I still had fat around my waist. Today I’m fit. I prefer fit to chubby. By[…] Keep reading →

The massive power of habitually doing what you don’t have to do: The Ziglar Show interview

on September 20, 2017 in Audio, Habits, Leadership, SIDCHAs

An early memory is of my mother, when she moved into sales and more entrepreneurship, having Zig Ziglar books. This was the late 70s. I was in grade school and knew nothing of business or this guy, except his memorable name. I’m pleased to announce that the Ziglar show, featuring Zig Ziglar’s son Tom and Kevin Miller posted an interview of me, “The massive power of habitually doing what you[…] Keep reading →

The Joy of Running and Burpees

on September 7, 2017 in Fitness, Habits

Kari Gormley hosts the Running Lifestyle podcast and today she posted her interview of me, “The Joy of Running and Burpees.” She’s done the podcast long enough to go beyond just running to connecting it to more about life. It’s an enjoyable conversation stemming from an enjoyable part of life. Some people don’t get exercise and how it contributes everywhere. This conversation covers that joy. Listen to the podcast. Here[…] Keep reading →

My favorite posts

on September 5, 2017 in Blog

With thousands of posts, where do you begin? I recommend scanning the archives. Here are some favorites: My TEDx talks Book page: Leadership Step by Step Book page: Initiative Webinar: Life Changing Habits Self-imposed daily challenging healthy activities (sidchas) Burpees Cold showers Avoiding food packaging I swam across the Hudson River Podcast: Top downloaded guest episodes Podcast: 500: This Podcast’s Next Milestone Podcast: I lost $10 million on September 11,[…] Keep reading →

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