Search Results for: glory

076: New England Patriot Marquis Flowers: You learned leadership wrong

on August 17, 2018 in Podcast

Which is more common—an athlete becoming a leading political figure, or a political figure becoming an athlete? Talking to Marquis Flowers of the New England Patriots, reinforces that leadership lessons from sports stars are some are some of the best I hear. You’ll notice that a lot more athletes and become leaders in business, politics, and so on, but the reverse never happens. The difference tells me that sports teaches[…] Keep reading →

076: New England Patriot Marquis Flowers: You learned leadership wrong

on August 17, 2018 in Podcast

Which is more common—an athlete becoming a leading political figure, or a political figure becoming an athlete? Talking to Marquis Flowers of the New England Patriots, reinforces that leadership lessons from sports stars are some are some of the best I hear. Many athletes become leaders in business, politics, and so on, but the reverse never happens. The difference tells me that sports teaches skills useful and essential to leadership.[…] Keep reading →

Fitness and Lego (Audio)

on March 31, 2018 in Audio, Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs, Stories

I’ve been exercising more than usual for the past few months, amid travel. You might say I haven’t given my body time to recover, and I probably haven’t, but I find it glorious. This episode explains why. It’s about Fitness Travel Lego Eating Burpees Sidchas Discipline Diligence Resilience Lugubriousness Struggle Glory and so on.

009: Tanner Gers, Conversation 2: Fearlessness, full transcript

on January 1, 2018 in Podcast

Tanner clearly has just as much fun in the second conversation as he did the first one. And that’s the fun of the conversation but talking about what he did, he went beyond just modest size changes. If you hear he’s already getting into leading people right away. It’s about responsibility. It’s about people changing or not. I mean he does but not everyone does. You get to hear about his[…] Keep reading →

What’s more exotic, a mango or a turnip? What’s sweeter, ice cream or an apple? More culturally different, someone in a different country or generation?

on June 27, 2017 in Awareness, Fitness, Nature, Perception

What’s more exotic, a mango or a turnip? In New York City, and most of the U.S., you can buy mangoes at many stores. Turnips are harder to find. People say they travel to experience new, exotic things. But they don’t see that there are new things in their back yards. What’s sweeter, ice cream or an apple? Ice cream has more sugar than apples and for most Americans, who[…] Keep reading →

How a habit forms

on May 17, 2017 in Awareness, Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs, Visualization

There are plenty of books on habits. Too many, if you ask me. You don’t need books to start habits. In my experience, self-awareness will get you farther. In particular, starting new behavior creates new emotions and reactions. Paying attention to them will guide you how to follow up to improve them more than reading—if you pay attention to everything you can. That level of self-awareness takes time and effort[…] Keep reading →

Post-Games Lesson: You Have Two Options In Life

on August 23, 2016 in Blog

  My post today, “Post-Games Lesson: You Have Two Options In Life” begins Post-Games Lesson: You Have Two Options In Life Even if we succeed, it can’t last forever. Why do we try? The games in Rio just ended. Even the elite athletes’ glory is fading from the most intense high of their lives, that they trained and sacrificed most of their lives for, to regular lives. As silver-medalist[…] Keep reading →

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