“Introverted” / “Extroverted”: labels hold you back from improving your life

on February 7, 2012 in Blog, Nature

On a discussion online about introversion and extraversion, I responded to someone pointing out that the labels of introversion and extraversion hurt more than they helped. Labels add no value and hold people back from improving their lives. Dealing with groups requires one set of skills. Dealing with solitude requires another (with much overlap). If you don’t have skills for one situation you will avoid it. Once you acquire the[…] Keep reading →

The best book for understanding North Korea

on December 31, 2011 in Freedom, Leadership, NorthKorea

North Korea fascinates us. Its leaders, their posturing and militarism, their economics, and more all fascinate us. Their belligerence puts them in the news often. Yet we know little about them. More than fascinating, they are globally important. They are a nuclear power with the world’s fourth largest military and most militarized border. Yet the media, mainstream and otherwise, mystifies them more. No one explains how or why anyone could[…] Keep reading →

Understanding Kim Jong Il from a systems perspective, and what to do now

on December 20, 2011 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Freedom, Leadership, NorthKorea

Reading the spate of articles on Kim Jong Il and North Korea, I’ve seen what look from my perspective misinterpretations. Reporters repeatedly succumb to ascribing to the leader what I consider properties of the system. I think they adopt a great-man model that says if something is working, someone must be making it happen. With only Kim Jong Il or Kim Il Sung around, it must be them. Misallocating causes[…] Keep reading →

Communications skills exercises, part IX: statements instead of questions

on December 2, 2011 in Blog, Education, Freedom, Tips

[This post is part of a series on Communication Skills Exercises for Business and Life. If you don’t see a Table of Contents to the left, click here to view the series, where you’ll get more value than reading just this post.] The principles People like people who improve their lives and make conversations interesting. When you first meet someone you tell each other about yourselves in how and about[…] Keep reading →

See Professor Srikumar Rao at the New School December 13, 6:30pm

on November 15, 2011 in Creativity, Education, Events, Leadership

Anybody who knows my material knows the debt I own Srikumar Rao for how much of it derives from his work, his class Creativity and Personal Mastery, and his books Are You Ready To Succeed? and Happiness At Work. I can’t recommend his material enough. Here is your chance to see him in person. I am privileged to help organize his next talk with the Columbia Business School Alumni Club[…] Keep reading →

Union Square in Motion on NY1

on November 6, 2011 in Art, Blog, Creativity

Usually I keep the stories about art on the art page, but a two-minute news story on NY1 on Union Square in Motion gets special mention. The reporters did their research and spent time understanding the piece. Plus with the designers Coco && Breezy passing by and being interviewed, the exchange was amazing. Below is the news story and here is the link to the NY1 story online. The video[…] Keep reading →

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