Category Archives: Freedom

My latest life-changing rule for visiting web sites

on February 26, 2024 in Addiction, Choosing/Decision-Making, Freedom, Habits, Tips

I used to waste three or four hours a day browsing social media sites, generally Reddit at the time, but others too, in particular after telling myself not to spend that much time on sites. I found some useful guidelines to reduce wasting time on screens. Not all time on screens is wasted, so I wanted to reduce wasted time but maintain productive time. Existing rules that have served me[…] Keep reading →

I bought a product almost certainly produced in part with slavery.

on February 12, 2024 in Freedom

I’m not proud but I’m not going to hide it either. I’m like everyone else: I live in a culture that relies on slavery. I try to minimize my contribution to it. I see publicizing the situation as helping change it. Each time you bought a cell phone, laptop, or electric vehicle, you bought goods almost certainly produced using slavery, possibly without realizing it. I’d like to help change our[…] Keep reading →

One more rainy day before sunshine. It brought glory.

on February 2, 2024 in Art, Freedom, Nature

The final tally for running on empty: Days in a row of rain to mostly cloudy: 12 days (January 22 to February 2) Extended streak of days at least mostly cloudy: 23 days / 25 days (January 9 – February 2) Nearly every day it didn’t outright rain, I climbed to the roof twice to catch what power I could. Many days I got zero. Some days I got enough[…] Keep reading →

February started with more clouds. Will rain again tomorrow.

on February 1, 2024 in Freedom, Nature

What do you know, more clouds today. There was enough sun to get one battery to 12%, which let me use the computer enough to catch up on some emails and post. My computer shut down while in sleep mode, it hadn’t been charged in so long. I hope my posts haven’t come out too repetitive lately, but in over a year and a half I haven’t hit this little[…] Keep reading →

Milestones from a culture of freedom and equality to one almost entirely subjugated by dominance hierarchy

on January 26, 2024 in Freedom

The more history and anthropology I learn, the more I learn the alternative to continuing our cultural path is not the Stone Age or a Mad Max apocalypse. For a good 250,000 years of human existence, our ancestors enjoyed more freedom and equality than we do. That’s why indigenous cultures still exist. When they look at ours, they see our airplanes and medicine but also our lack of freedom and[…] Keep reading →

More depth on Robert Carter III

on January 18, 2024 in Freedom, Leadership, Stories

I’ve written about Robert Carter III a bunch here. He figures in my book a lot, as someone who could have remained corrupted by slavery, as everyone around him did in Virginia after the American Revolution, but he freed his slaves. Thomas Jefferson didn’t, despite his brilliant words on freedom. Sustainability today is overloaded with Jeffersons: people who talk big on sustainability but act the opposite, undermining their credibility and[…] Keep reading →

A provocative but open-ended question about slavery and pollution

on January 11, 2024 in Freedom

Keep in mind that nine million people have died per year from breathing polluted air since 2015, a number it took the Atlantic Slave Trade centuries to reach, and we can expect it to increase dramatically. Keep in mind the United States has regions called Cancer Alley and Sacrifice Zones. There are big differences between enslaving someone and polluting their air, but what of the underlying systems, which are more[…] Keep reading →

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