Attend Flight Free USA’s workshop with me! (March 13 and 20)

on February 22, 2024 in Events, Leadership

The invitation below says it all, but some background first: Register Here Join this two-session workshop and learn how to inspire people to freely and joyfully move to living more sustainably so they thank you. Read the pledges of the people I influenced and ask: Do they sound like they’re depriving themselves or sacrificing? Most people expect talking sustainability is a drag, not inspiring. So how do I lead people[…] Keep reading →

Beautiful, scary red sunrise, then a snow day

on February 21, 2024 in Nature, Visualization

I don’t use Instagram so even though I took only a few pictures, I’m posting them here. I’m not claiming they’re great pictures. I just snapped them in the morning. First, on a Friday at 6:45am, the sky was red. The camera seems to have adjusted it to less red, but you can mostly tell. It was redder a few minutes before. I noticed it while I was doing calisthenics.[…] Keep reading →

Great time to join a CSA (farm share)

on February 20, 2024 in Fitness

Spring is around the corner. Time to sign up for a CSA. If you don’t know, CSA is an acronym for an unhelpful name Community Supported Agriculture. You pay a farm a fixed amount before the season starts. Then each week you pick up your weekly load of produce. The benefits are big: more delicious produce, lower costs, more variety, you can meet your farmer and other CSA members, more[…] Keep reading →

My Cell Phone Battery and Time Use

on February 19, 2024 in Habits, Visualization

I joke that my favorite phone app is airplane mode, but I like it. Still, my phone’s hot spot is my only internet connection at home, so I’m using it now, but I’ll put it on airplane mode after posting. I looked up how to take a screen shot and took shots of my battery and time use for the past ten days. I think they were usual days so[…] Keep reading →

This week’s selected media: February 18, 2024: Keith Richards’ Life, Killers of the Flower Moon

on February 18, 2024 in Tips

This week I finished: Life, by Keith Richards: I’d meant to read this book since seeing it on shelves a few years ago. Bruce Springsteen’s memoir prompted me. As with Springsteen, Richards’ experience after connecting with the guitar resonated with me most—discovering the art, the craft, self-expression, awareness, connecting with other musicians listening to their recordings, meeting other musicians in person, and so on. I don’t think I’m flattering myself[…] Keep reading →

747: Go Alan Go!, part 1: The drummer rocking Washington Square Park

on February 17, 2024 in Podcast

Regular listeners and blog readers know I talk about litter and how much we wreck nature, especially my neighborhood’s back yard, Washington Square Park. Click the links below to see some of the worst litter you’ve seen, in a supposedly nice part of town. Today the opposite: someone who brings joy, fun, creativity, music, and dancing to the park. Alan began playing drums in the park three years ago and[…] Keep reading →

Volunteering recognition from 1993

on February 16, 2024 in Education, Habits, Stories

I’ve been writing about volunteering. Then last month I found this certificate for distinguished service in college in 1993 cleaning out my father’s basement and had to share the story behind it. A church near Columbia on 114th Street and Broadway served a soup kitchen. I volunteered there every Friday. I just went on my own. Partly I consider activities like it as civic duty. Also I find it rewarding.[…] Keep reading →

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