A workshop graduate and leader living sustainability leadership, biking in the snow and rain

on February 29, 2024 in Fitness, Freedom, Nature

Can we top Jethro Jones? Almost five years ago, on his appearance on the podcast, he committed to riding his bike to work every day for a season. What’s so remarkable about that? He teaches in Fairbanks, Alaska and riding in the winter meant minus 40 degrees (where F equals C). If you haven’t listened to his episode, check it out. Evelyn biking in the snow The other day, Evelyn,[…] Keep reading →

Just finished a 4-plus days water only fast

on February 28, 2024 in Awareness, Fitness, Freedom, Habits, Tips

Today about 1:30pm I ate my first food since Saturday noon: a bit over four days or 97.5 hours. Years ago I would have thought it impossible, but I’ve done a couple three-day fasts and a few two-day fasts, now several one-day fasts. With my six-day exercise cycle that I start on the first day of each month, for months with a number of days not divisible by six, I’ve[…] Keep reading →

Why I stretch

on February 27, 2024 in Awareness, Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

I stretch every day after I meditate in the morning (neck and shoulders) and in my morning and evening calisthenics (quads, Achilles, hamstring, etc). At times I work other stretches in. Why do I stretch? The research I know says it doesn’t reduce injury, make me stronger, or enable me to do things otherwise. Yet I find value. It looks like I’m pulling on muscles, tendons, ligaments, or whatever gets[…] Keep reading →

My latest life-changing rule for visiting web sites

on February 26, 2024 in Addiction, Choosing/Decision-Making, Freedom, Habits, Tips

I used to waste three or four hours a day browsing social media sites, generally Reddit at the time, but others too, in particular after telling myself not to spend that much time on sites. I found some useful guidelines to reduce wasting time on screens. Not all time on screens is wasted, so I wanted to reduce wasted time but maintain productive time. Existing rules that have served me[…] Keep reading →

This week’s selected media: February 25, 2024: Carmaggeddon, The Lover, Happy Fat, and Origins

on February 25, 2024 in Tips

I finished this week: Carmaggeddon, by Daniel Knowles: I bought a cheap used car after getting my first license at 15 years old. The experience led me to never own a car again. I knew that choice would force many later life decisions The summer after high school, when I was 16, a friend and I rode our bikes from Philadelphia to Bar Harbor, Maine and back. A couple years[…] Keep reading →

What a way to honor Gandhi

on February 24, 2024 in Nature, Visualization

I recently watched Richard Attenborough’s Gandhi movie. I often pass the Gandhi statue around the corner from my home in Union Square. The other day I saw that someone honored Gandhi’s legacy with an empty beer can at his feet. I’m sure Gandhi would have loved the tribute. Or maybe our culture could use reminding of its lost values of stewardship and personal responsibility that might restore meaning and purpose[…] Keep reading →

Big milestone: I turned in my latest manuscript yesterday, the last substantive edits.

on February 23, 2024 in Creativity

Several readers read the last round and reviewed it very highly. I keep tightening it and clarifying parts, which improves it, but the big challenge in settling down to publish is that I’m learning more and faster than ever. This round got some great new stuff. I’m beyond enthusiastic about it reaching shelves and your hands. I won’t lie: I also feel anxiety and fear. The reviews that matter to[…] Keep reading →

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