How to help Putin

on March 7, 2024 in Tips

Looking at their behavior, I think most Americans know how to help Vladimir Putin because they look like they’re doing everything they can to help him. How help Putin: How many of these things have you done since Putin invaded Ukraine? I’m sure he’s grateful for the financial support so many of us have given him.

Dave Gardner for President of the United States

on March 6, 2024 in Leadership, Nature

Dave Gardner and I have appeared on each other’s podcasts and have become friends. He is one of the few people who understands our environmental problems and works on it. I learned about him from his documentary Growthbusters (my comment is the first on its YouTube release), which showed him running for office in Colorado on a platform to shrink the local population and economy. He didn’t win the election,[…] Keep reading →

Rock star drummer and podcast guest Go Alan Go made my day Sunday

on March 5, 2024 in Art, Creativity

Sunday was the first sunny and warm day of the year, reaching nearly 70 degrees (21C). That’s unseasonably warm for the beginning of March, but only compared to the past. Compared to future Marches, it’s cool. I spent the morning on the roof, charging the battery. I knew I wanted to head to the park, but feared what I knew I’d see: piles of garbage. People don’t just go to[…] Keep reading →

The Joy of Discovering Saving More Energy (and using Q = m c ΔT)

on March 4, 2024 in Stories

When getting electrical power requires climbing eleven flights of stairs, you learn to reduce consumption. My pressure cooker usually uses the most energy. I have to gauge how much food to put in based on how much charge remains in the battery and how much sunlight I expect in the days to follow cooking. The forecast says three days of rain, so I won’t cook today, for example. When there[…] Keep reading →

This week’s selected media: March 3, 2024: The Road to Serfdom, Uncomfortable Conversations With a Black Man, the Social Dilemma

on March 3, 2024 in Addiction, Tips

This week I finished: The Road to Serfdom, by Friedrich Hayek: I quote Milton Friedman in my book a lot and kept coming across Hayek’s name while reading him and about him so I finally read Road to Serfdom. I wish I had earlier. Hayek wrote this book in the early 1940s, watching Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini rampaging across Europe, destroying freedom. He promoted freedom. If he were alive today[…] Keep reading →

NYU’s sustainability deception (work-in-progress post)

on March 2, 2024 in Education, Leadership

I teach at NYU and work on sustainability leadership. NYU talks about sustainability and to some extend sincerely tries, but it doesn’t come close to its rhetoric. It completely misses on sustainability leadership, as distinct from sustainability. I don’t see much integrity in its sustainability. The same follows for higher education in general, as best I can tell. I’ve been vaguely keeping track of discrepancies I find. I’ve had this[…] Keep reading →

I’ve learned to enjoy just thinking

on March 1, 2024 in Awareness, Habits, Nonjudgment

I’ve held back on posting this discovery since I think people might confuse it with boredom or having nothing better to do and I didn’t want to be judged, but as I’ve cut out more media, I’ve found it enjoyable, relaxing, and rewarding just to think . . . to ponder, consider, reflect, introspect, daydream, and such. I mean something different than meditating. I meditate too, as one of my[…] Keep reading →

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