Why my evening calisthenics were harder than usual today: an extra 36 flights of stairs

on December 29, 2023 in Fitness, Habits

No big deal, but my evening calisthenics felt harder than usual today. Today was our first sunny day in a while, so I could finally do my laundry. Since I air-dry, not use the dryer, I avoid doing laundry on rainy days when it won’t dry. So this morning I walked down to the basement and back up five flights. Sun also means I could charge on the roof. All[…] Keep reading →

Nelson Mandela’s daughter and granddaughter don’t get sustainability

on December 28, 2023 in Audio, Leadership, Nature

I was invited to an event at NYU with the daughter and granddaughter of Nelson Mandela, Dr. Makaziwe Mandela and Tukwini Mandela. You don’t have to read or listen to much of my work to know his importance to me so I was interested to learn from family members who knew him privately and work for freedom on their own. It turned out the last question came to me. I[…] Keep reading →

Early Christmas pagan trees being sent to landfill. What represents our culture better?

on December 27, 2023 in Nature

I’ve written how trees people buy for Christmas are a pagan tradition in You Don’t Need a “Christmas” Tree—a pagan tradition. A reminder of the waste you can avoid. For some reason, everyone in the world doesn’t follow my suggestions to start healthier traditions for Christmas. Instead, they fund the practice of growing Christmas pagan trees to cut them down and send them to landfills or with giant fossil-fuel burning[…] Keep reading →

Short post to save energy

on December 26, 2023 in Habits

Yesterday, the forecast said today would be partly cloudy and Wednesday would be sunny. Today (Tuesday) instead was mostly cloudy and the forecast for tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday was rain. Based on yesterday’s forecast, I cooked a load of famous no-packaging vegan solar-powered stew, draining a lot of the battery, even with the ways I’ve developed to save energy with the pressure cooker. The big challenge: I have two podcast[…] Keep reading →

Year 5, day 1 on one load of trash

on December 25, 2023 in Addiction, Freedom, Habits

This post is about freedom. Several milestones this week following Year 13, day 1 of daily burpees and My Second Winter Solstice: Over 1.5 Years Unplugged From the Electric Grid (and counting). More freedom than ever. I once filled about a load of trash every week. I ordered takeout and bought lots of packaged food. I bought things online. I didn’t realize how much it cost me in money and[…] Keep reading →

Bonhoeffer’s last Christmas Letter

on December 25, 2023 in Freedom, Relationships

We live in a culture that hurts innocent people by the tens of millions every year, a number that’s growing, and we claim we can’t do anything about it. We want to see our families flying-distance away. The only way to love and be with someone is not to fly when we know it displaces people from their homes, making them refugees, and poisoning their air, land, and water. Struggling[…] Keep reading →

This week’s selected media: December 24, 2023: Dopamine Nation and Zone of Interest

on December 24, 2023 in Blog

This week I finished: Dopamine Nation, by Anna Lembke, MD: I’ve read a lot of books on addiction and like this one. It describes how widespread addiction has become. Chemicals, cell phones, behaviors like gambling, social media, and pornography for women (called erotica, as if more classy) and men. I listened to the book and translated a lot of what she said about other addictions to flying, air conditioning, and[…] Keep reading →

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