Category Archives: Education

Learn Feedforward with me in London, Monday March 14!

on March 11, 2016 in Education, Events, Exercises, Leadership, Nonjudgment

Want to learn and practice one of the most effective leadership techniques? Then join me for a workshop, Monday, March 14th at 6:30pm. Click here to register! I look forward to seeing you there. From the announcement: Feedforward by Professor Joshua Spodek Interesting Talks is incredibly excited to welcome Joshua Spodek. Joshua is professor at New York University and is visiting London. We are lucky enough to have him speak at[…] Keep reading →

Webinar: How to Make Meaningful Connections, Sunday 1pm EST

on March 3, 2016 in Education, Leadership, Relationships, Tips

After teaching, coaching, studying, and practicing leadership for twenty years, I announced my online leadership course, “Introducing the most effective leadership course available anywhere.” I’m hosting a series of free webinars on the most actionable, useful, effective, and exciting parts of the course. My webinars will always deliver exclusive, valuable lessons you can use that day and how to build for the long term. Attend my fourth webinar, free, this[…] Keep reading →

How can you find passion if you don’t try, even if you don’t know where to try?

on February 27, 2016 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Education, Entrepreneurship, Exercises

Everyone wants to find a passion—something that engages them so much they love doing it and working on it doesn’t feel like work. Most of us hold back from trying because we aren’t sure what we might feel passion for. We know we don’t feel passion for anything now. Maybe this, maybe that. Unsure which, and afraid of picking something we’ll later learn we don’t feel passion for, we don’t[…] Keep reading →

Almost nothing inspires more than helping others so much that they pay you for it

on February 25, 2016 in Education, Entrepreneurship

I’m getting good at leading students to inspiration. I can’t wait to release my online entrepreneurship course (contact me if you’re interested in taking it), which is where I’m seeing all the inspiration. I’m not talking about short-term feelings of inspiration. If you want to build muscle, quotes from Arnold Schwarzenegger from his Pumping Iron days may make you feel inspired, but you’ll still have to keep motivating yourself to[…] Keep reading →

Op/Ed Fridays: How higher education risks going the way of the dodo

on February 19, 2016 in Awareness, Choosing/Decision-Making, Creativity, Education, Models

An Op/Ed piece in the New York Times, “What a Million Syllabuses Can Teach Us,” illustrated a perspective that will turn higher education into a dinosaur if it doesn’t learn some new perspectives. It begins COLLEGE course syllabuses are curious documents. They represent the best efforts by faculty and instructors to distill human knowledge on a given subject into 14-week chunks. They structure the main activity of colleges and universities.[…] Keep reading →

Why 44 Percent of Top U.S. Executives Don’t Want To Hire You (My piece today)

on February 17, 2016 in Education,

My post today on, “Why 44 Percent of Top U.S. Executives Don’t Want To Hire You,” begins: Why 44 Percent of Top U.S. Executives Don’t Want To Hire You A survey of U.S. executives found 44 percent said Americans lack soft skills, which traditional education poorly teaches. Other methods work better, luckily. I went to business school mostly to learn business’s “hard” skills—ones we can quantify, like accounting and finance.[…] Keep reading →

Non-judgmental Ethics Sunday: Is It Selfish for a Gay Couple to Have Kids via Surrogacy?

on February 14, 2016 in Education, Ethicist, Nonjudgment, Relationships

Continuing my series of alternative responses to the New York Times column, The Ethicists, looking at the consequences of one’s actions instead of imposing values on others, here is my take on today’s post, “Is It Selfish for a Gay Couple to Have Kids via Surrogacy?” My husband and I are gay and are exploring the possibility of having children using an egg donor and a surrogate mother. Sometimes when[…] Keep reading →

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