Category Archives: Exercises

Seeing my inspiration, Inside The Actors Studio, live

on October 12, 2015 in Art, Education, Entrepreneurship, Exercises, Leadership

If you’ve talked to me in the past few years, you’ve heard how watching Inside The Actors Studio inspired me to learn how actors came to excel so much at skills leaders in other areas of life work hard to achieve but rarely do. On top of that, many great actors on the show dropped out, were kicked out, or otherwise didn’t finish much school. Meanwhile, graduates of Ivy League[…] Keep reading →

Bad boys, success, and discipline

on September 23, 2015 in Exercises, Freedom, Habits, Perception

America loves and hates bad boys. The media vilify and attack small transgressions. Take Howard Dean. He wasn’t even a bad boy and the media destroyed him after he expressed too much joy and he went from first place to no chance. Yet others who break more stringent rules become icons—in fact, some of our most highly regarded and lauded. Why the difference? Why did Howard Dean go down while[…] Keep reading →

Learn and practice one of the most effective leadership techniques in person — September 30 in Manhattan

on September 16, 2015 in Education, Events, Exercises, Leadership, Nonjudgment

Want to learn and practice one of the most effective leadership techniques? Then join me for a workshop, Wednesday, September 30th at 6:30pm in midtown, and get a copy of the #1 bestselling leadership book included! From the announcement from the Columbia Business School Alumni Club (everyone is welcome): The Workshop Committee of the Columbia Business School Alumni Club invites you to a workshop on Marshall Goldsmith’s FEEDFORWARD hosted by[…] Keep reading →

I touched my toes for the first time in over twenty years!

on September 10, 2015 in Exercises, Fitness, SIDCHAs, Stories

In college I could put my legs in front of me, keep my knees straight, bend forward and touch my toes with my fingers. It was easy and I thought nothing of it. I don’t remember the last time I could do it after college until last night. Why did I do it? It took me two or three months of twice-daily stretching to get there. I’d been embarrassed for[…] Keep reading →

I don’t earn fitness, I enjoy it. It’s not about deprivation, it’s about doing what you want.

on September 7, 2015 in Exercises, Fitness, Habits, Perception

People see fitness as something you have to work hard for, doing painful things or spending long hours at the gym, avoiding eating things they like and having to eat things they don’t. It’s been the opposite for me. From my perspective, anyone with those beliefs doesn’t know what they’re talking about. They are confusing satisfying craving with enjoyment, sweating with misery, pleasure with good, and avoiding with depriving. People[…] Keep reading →

Leadership lessons from Frances Hesselbein, part 5/5

on August 25, 2015 in Exercises, Leadership, Relationships, Stories

“What do I say to a 99-year-old woman?” “What do I say to a famous person?” “What do I say to someone who could help my career without seeming selfish?” All I could think to ask was what it’s like to be 99, which seemed irrelevant and the same question people have asked her for a decade. I don’t like when people find out I don’t eat meat and ask[…] Keep reading →

A reader’s SIDCHAs

on August 13, 2015 in Exercises, Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

A reader and friend wrote about his SIDCHAs: Hey Josh, How’s it going? I was reading your blog and found your SIDCHA example and explanation post. Really enjoyed the distillation of it all, especially as my insecurities have many times led me to search for info rather than action. One thing I have been (attempting to) do is a Daily Review. It’s just a checklist of all the SIDCHAs I[…] Keep reading →

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