Category Archives: Fitness

Being Dick Fosbury and Debbie Brill

on January 23, 2024 in Fitness, Leadership, Models

I’ve described what I’m doing practicing sustainability as being an explorer, the Wright brothers, and Roger Bannister. Each comparison had sense, but I think I found a better one: Being like Richard Fosbury creating the Fosbury Flop. He invented a better way to do the high jump. The videos below show how people did it before him and how he developed a new way. Compared to old ways, it looked[…] Keep reading →

How sweet vegetables have become. They used to taste bland.

on January 16, 2024 in Fitness, Nature, Perception

Vegetables have been blowing me away with their sweetness lately. For years since stopping consuming doof nearly completely, I’ve been finding fresh produce increasingly delicious. I usually say how I used to consider Ben and Jerry’s delicious and apples relatively bland. Now apples taste sweeter than ice cream ever did. In time, more vegetables have come to taste sweeter than fruit used to. I don’t think their composition changed. I[…] Keep reading →

American adults over 90 percent overfat: Peer reviewed research (children 69 percent overfat)

on January 10, 2024 in Fitness

More refined than concepts overweight and body mass index is overfat. I’m not a professional in the field, but I believe professionals consider the term more useful and are using it more. Someone with little muscle but enough fat to cause health problems can appear not overweight and have what looks like a healthy BMI so might be overlooked for care. Americans are more overfat than I would have predicted:[…] Keep reading →

Why my evening calisthenics were harder than usual today: an extra 36 flights of stairs

on December 29, 2023 in Fitness, Habits

No big deal, but my evening calisthenics felt harder than usual today. Today was our first sunny day in a while, so I could finally do my laundry. Since I air-dry, not use the dryer, I avoid doing laundry on rainy days when it won’t dry. So this morning I walked down to the basement and back up five flights. Sun also means I could charge on the roof. All[…] Keep reading →

Year 13, day 1 of daily burpees

on December 22, 2023 in Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

I started doing ten burpees a day today in 2011 and never stopped. On the contrary, I added more reps, weights, cardio, stretching, and more, which isn’t hard when you keep at it for over a decade. Most days I do fifty-four burpees. For details, here’s my list of all My sidchas, standard operating procedures, and preferences. One of my favorite parts is walking past gyms that cost $235 per[…] Keep reading →

More of: I eat food homeless people throw away

on October 25, 2023 in Fitness, Nonjudgment

I wrote a couple years ago about how I end up eating food that homeless and poor people throw away when given lunches. Like if you give them a bag containing a sandwich, bag of chips, and a piece of fruit or bag of baby carrots, you’re going to find a lot of uneaten fruit and carrots discarded on the street. Picking up litter daily, I can’t miss it. Today,[…] Keep reading →

Abraham Lincoln, trash-talking wrestler

on October 14, 2023 in Fitness, Leadership

My book talks about Abraham Lincoln a lot. I’m not sure how I’ll use the following information about his wrestling career when younger, but everyone should know he said ““I’m the big buck of this lick. If any of you want to try it, come on and whet your horns!” on the way to passing the Thirteenth Amendment. From Inside Abraham Lincoln’s Surprising Career As A National Wrestling Champ and[…] Keep reading →

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