Category Archives: Fitness

Sponsor my second annual fundraising ride, helping create a bike path from Maine to Florida

on March 1, 2022 in Fitness, Nature

Imagine a Green I-95 Imagine you could ride a bike the length of the United States east coast. Would it fix all the worlds problems? Not by itself, but it would open possibilities to travel enjoying nature instead of polluting it. How many people might ride and camp instead of drive? What signal might it send to increase biking in the U.S.? Following last year’s wonderful ride, I am riding[…] Keep reading →

Four reasons the explanation why we crave sugar and fat and store fat seems wrong

on January 19, 2022 in Fitness, Models, Nature

You’ve probably read things like Until the last century, people were at more risk from malnutrition or starvation than they were from obesity. This lopsided pressure may have shaped humans to be more prone to store fat than to lose it. The ability to store extra calories as fat during times of plenty could help someone stay healthy and fertile when food was scarce. I’m no anthropologist, but I’ve concluded[…] Keep reading →

The uncomfortable but desired result of the 70-pound (31.8 kg) kettlebell

on December 31, 2021 in Fitness

In September, I wrote “Normally I avoid quick and dirty posts, but I’m tired from carrying home a used 70-pound kettlebell I bought from Queens by subway. That’s many blocks of farmer’s walks and carrying that thing down stairs into the subway, back up to the surface, and up the stairs to my apartment. Maybe half a mile walking plus six or seven flights of stairs. It’s almost midnight and[…] Keep reading →

Decade two, day 1: I reached the ground with my heels on downward dog for the first time in my life.

on December 22, 2021 in Exercises, Fitness, Habits

An auspicious beginning to my second decade of my calisthenics sidcha: my heels reached the ground in one of my stretches, the downward dog. I did yoga regularly for a few years before starting burpees. Yoga means a lot of downward dogs. In all those years, my heels never touched the ground while doing them. At best I reached something like this: This morning my heels reached the ground. I[…] Keep reading →

Ten years (3,652 consecutive days)

on December 21, 2021 in Awareness, Choosing/Decision-Making, Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

I just finished my second set today of twice-daily burpee-based calisthenics. Normally, I do my second set in the evening, but since I started the habit on December 22, 2011 and today is December 21, 2021, today completes my first decade. I already finished my first decade of publishing blog posts, nearing 5,000. Here are all of them. 20 percent of the time has been on a single load of[…] Keep reading →

Graduated to a new kettlebell: 70 pounds (31.8kg)

on September 8, 2021 in Fitness

Normally I avoid quick and dirty posts, but I’m tired from carrying home a used 70-pound kettlebell I bought from Queens by subway. That’s many blocks of farmer’s walks and carrying that thing down stairs into the subway, back up to the surface, and up the stairs to my apartment. Maybe half a mile walking plus six or seven flights of stairs. It’s almost midnight and I want to post[…] Keep reading →

Notes from biking from New York City to Philadelphia over the weekend

on September 1, 2021 in Fitness, Nature

Saturday and Sunday I rode over 100 miles from New York to Philadelphia, sleeping overnight in Princeton as a fundraiser for an organization creating a bike route from Maine to Florida called the East Coast Greenway. Technically we started in Jersey City, just across the Hudson River. I took the subway instead of swimming. Saturday we rode about 65 to 70 miles, Sunday 40. I rode an extra 10 or[…] Keep reading →

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