Category Archives: Habits

Listen to Jim Harshaw’s Wrestling With Success podcast interview with me

on August 1, 2016 in Audio, Entrepreneurship, Fitness, Habits, Leadership, SIDCHAs

I had a fantastic conversation with Jim Harshaw for his podcast, Wrestling With Success. I am honored and humbled that he invited me into the ranks of his guests. I recommend listening to many other episodes besides mine, including his early ones where you get to learn about him. Among other guests, he’s had people in space. I’ve only helped build satellites. Jim is a Division 1 champion wrestler and[…] Keep reading →

Habits Are Contagious. How to Make The Science Work for You.

on July 25, 2016 in Habits,, Leadership, Tips

My article today, “Habits Are Contagious. How to Make The Science Work for You.” began Habits Are Contagious. How to Make The Science Work for You. Research finds that we transmit habits like diseases, or like cures. How to use that insight to make the habits you want stick. Studies show that quitting smoking and losing weight spread through networks like diseases do. Many other behavioral changes work similarly.[…] Keep reading →

How to get a six-pack eating tons of delicious, cheap, convenient food: Cut out garbage and you get quality

on July 21, 2016 in Fitness, Freedom, Habits, Nature

Yesterday I posted about two of my most valued things: Eating tons of delicious, convenient, cheap, and diverse food—basically until I’m stuffed nearly every meal A fit body with well-defined abs with energy for athletic achievement I have found that sharing what you love fills your life with sharing, love, and stuff you love. I can’t tell you how good it feels to feel firm, lithe muscle under skin not[…] Keep reading →

45 6-pack

on July 20, 2016 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs, Visualization

Today I turned 45 and my 6-pack is nearly there. My goal isn’t to get big nor to exercise a lot but to get rid of fat I don’t want and free the rest of me while taking minimal time from the rest of my life. As always, to learn more about myself and to grow. This (My usual diet) Plus this (All my exercise equipment) (rowing machine, four kettlebells,[…] Keep reading →

The most helpful burpee video I’ve seen

on July 14, 2016 in Fitness, Habits, Visualization

This video shows burpee form more simply and clearly than any other I’ve seen. If you’re trying to learn how to do them, I think this video shows it best. I prefer doing them barefoot and bring my knees outside my elbows when I jump forward, but those are matters of taste. Note that he touches his chest and chin at the same time and keeps his back rigid, not[…] Keep reading →

How to eat a bag of chips every couple days and lose weight

on July 12, 2016 in Fitness, Freedom, Habits

This is a post about freedom from people controlling your life. Years ago I couldn’t help buying ice cream all the time. I’d almost always have a carton in the freezer. I’d come home and try not eating it but I often would. And I used to love the Snyder’s of Hanover pretzel bits that were broken on purpose to hold the flavored powder they added. Before then I loved[…] Keep reading →

16 tips to start habits you want and stop ones you don’t

on July 11, 2016 in Habits,, SIDCHAs, Tips

My post today on, “16 tips to start habits you want and stop ones you don’t,” begins 16 tips to start habits you want and stop ones you don’t You know successful habits create success. The challenge is doing them. Here are tips from someone who hasn’t missed his daily habits in over five years. In January 2011 I started writing on my blog daily. I haven’t missed a day since, meaning[…] Keep reading →

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