Category Archives: Habits

Get to Know This Emotional Cycle: It Will Improve Your Life

on June 30, 2016 in Awareness, Fitness, Habits,, Tips

My article yesterday, “Get to Know This Emotional Cycle: It Will Improve Your Life” began Get to Know This Emotional Cycle: It Will Improve Your Life Healthy, active, productive activities are often hard to start. Learn this cycle to identify when to use your willpower to help. Yesterday was rowing day. It was also the first hot, humid, sticky day in New York City. I didn’t feel like doing[…] Keep reading →

Exercise thoughts

on June 15, 2016 in Awareness, Fitness, Habits, Perception

Exercise takes mental effort, not just physical effort. Everyone’s mind handles the challenge differently, but some things are common. I find some people feel silly or awkward about their thoughts. More than any other thoughts, I think about fractions of the way finished I am. For example, a lap of Central Park is six miles. I know roughly where each mile is. The first mile is one-sixth, or about sixteen[…] Keep reading →

The Unmistakable Creative podcast interviews me

on June 9, 2016 in Audio, Creativity, Education, Entrepreneurship, Exercises, Habits, Leadership

Listen to the podcast The Power of Experiential Learning with Joshua Spodek The Unmistakable Creative podcast just released its interviews of me. The interview covered leadership, entrepreneurship, education, and a bunch of my life and growth. Their lead quote from the interview: “No one who is learning to play a musical instrument, no one who wants to learn a musical instrument would ever take a class where they would lecture[…] Keep reading →

Your choice of sidcha isn’t that important. Just do one.

on June 6, 2016 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs, Visualization

Following up yesterday’s post about the subtle value of sidchas, I want to lower the bar on choosing what activity to base your sidcha on. Doing one or two sidchas means you can say no to all the others and know you aren’t missing out. Still, if you want to do an art-related sidcha, an exercise sidcha, a personal development sidcha, and so on, aren’t you missing out on others.[…] Keep reading →

The subtle value of sidchas

on June 5, 2016 in Exercises, Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

I write about self-imposed daily challenging healthy activities (sidchas) a lot. Why is the sidcha different from the countless recommendations to do other things daily? The difference is subtle but important. It will give you more time, structure, and discipline. Some examples: People who meditate regularly tell me that I should meditate daily for the full benefit. Yoga people say the same thing about yoga, at least that I should[…] Keep reading →

The Sidcha App

on June 3, 2016 in Exercises, Habits, Humor, SIDCHAs

You know how valuable I consider sidchas. If you don’t have one, I recommend you create one or two for yourself. I’m working on so stay tuned. In the meantime, I thought about an app for sidchas. Here is my main thought. When you do something daily, you don’t have to keep track of it. You don’t have to compare your performance with your friends’. You don’t have to[…] Keep reading →

Wasting less, could still waste yet less

on April 30, 2016 in Awareness, Freedom, Habits, Leadership, Nature

On January 27th I made a video about starting a new trash bag for my waste. I predicted I would take six months to fill it. With a guest staying over, we ended up filling it in just over four person-months. I think I can produce less waste, but I’m pleased with how I did so far. In no way did I feel constrained. On the contrary, I felt less[…] Keep reading →

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