Category Archives: Habits

Pictures of recent volunteer deliveries

on September 13, 2023 in Habits

A practice in the volunteering I do is to take a picture of what we deliver and post it to a message board. People thank each other and it makes everyone feel better. It builds community. I haven’t posted many pictures lately. I like just delivering the food and the thanks of the people who receive it. Still, the pictures end up on my phone. I usually delete them since[…] Keep reading →

Selected New Experiences, September 3, 2023

on September 3, 2023 in Fitness, Habits, Nature, SIDCHAs

I’ve been posting Sundays about the books and movies I finished that week. This week I didn’t finish any new books or movies, but I did a few new things. A New Vegetable for Me: Jicama I discovered a new vegetable this week, jicama: I’d never heard of the vegetable, but I saw a bunch of them in the food scrap bin when I dropped mine off. They looked like[…] Keep reading →

What I ate in the last 24 hours, August 2023

on August 25, 2023 in Fitness, Habits, Nature

In preparation for recording a second podcast episode with Dr. Michael Greger of, I tracked what I ate for 24 hours. I didn’t plan or do anything differently. I still have no fridge or power from the electric grid, nor do I cook with gas. I do use the pressure cooker powered by my solar panels. The last time I tracked twenty-four hours of ingredients was February, for comparison.[…] Keep reading →

Blood pressure normal, pulse: 51 bpm. Old man still got it.

on August 18, 2023 in Fitness, Habits

In May a nurse measured my pulse at 47 beats per minute and my blood pressure 122 over 73. Today one measured my pulse at 51 beats per minute and my blood pressure 107 over 68. I’d like my pulse lower, but the web says it’s still in athlete level. I’m glad to see my blood pressure normal. I’m not sure which is more important for health between pulse and[…] Keep reading →

Nonstop Rain Forecast. Avoiding Plugging In. Will I Make It a Week?

on June 22, 2023 in Habits, Nature

I last plugged anything into an outlet, even at NYU, April 29, as I wrote in Plug in again or work less?. That day was my second time plugging in since March 13, as I wrote in One month without even my “cheat” of plugging in at work. Then both batteries died. Today, one battery is dead, at the manufacturer to be fixed. I want to keep my streak of[…] Keep reading →

Tragic News About Flying

on June 21, 2023 in Addiction, Habits, Nature

Three recent headlines on flying, all tragic: You don’t need to read the articles. The headlines tell you all you need to know, especially when you know that when a headline asks a question, the answer is no. In this case, the third article recounts research clarifying that flying will never be carbon neutral. My comments, responding to that question: Not only is there no sign it will be carbon[…] Keep reading →

On living your values with kids and a job

on June 3, 2023 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

Tell someone with kids or a job that you pollute less and they will tell you they can’t because of kids and a job. Then they’ll lecture you about your ignorance and how you couldn’t understand what it’s like, never mind that humans have had kids and had to work to eat and for shelter for 300,000 years. Have you read about the woman, Candice Burt, who ran fifty kilometers[…] Keep reading →

My sidchas, standard operating procedures, and preferences

on May 6, 2023 in Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

I meant just to list all my sidchas in my post Freedom exists in structure; it’s not chaos, randomness, or luck. Here’s my structure and freedom, but I made a mistake. I included standard operating procedures with sidchas. I didn’t think of the distinction. One is habits. The other is the best way to do something. I’ve written about sidchas. What about operating procedures? If there’s a better way and[…] Keep reading →

Official heart rate: 47 bpm. Old man still got it.

on May 3, 2023 in Fitness, Habits

I value fitness as anyone knows with my calisthenics and all, as is accessibility, with my focus on bodyweight exercises. Those who email with me may have noticed I included as one of the statistics about how I live my life is my heart rate of 50 beats per minute. I was at a doctor’s office recently and they took my pulse a few times with a dedicated device, not[…] Keep reading →

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