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I Do Burpees Daily Because I’m Lazy and Full of Excuses

on June 10, 2017 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Fitness, Habits,, SIDCHAs

My Inc. post Monday, “I Do Burpees Daily Because I’m Lazy and Full of Excuses,” began I Do Burpees Daily Because I’m Lazy and Full of Excuses Not having a skill so useful as discipline is a reason to do them, which transformed my life. When I tell people about my burpee habit, their most common response is to suppose I was born with superhuman discipline. I do them daily,[…] Keep reading →

Leadership and the Environment Podcast episode #3: Freedom, empathy, garbage, and compost

on June 5, 2017 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Freedom, Habits,, Nature, Podcast

How much waste do you create that others have to deal with? The environment involves more than global warming. As my Inc. piece reported recently, we’re producing enough waste that an island in the middle of the Pacific, with no inhabitants and thousands of miles from any city, is covered with plastic and other waste, most of it needless garbage: I don’t know what to call that amount and kind[…] Keep reading →

Leadership, Paris, the Environment, and You

on June 2, 2017 in, Leadership, Nature

My Inc. post today, “Leadership, Paris, the Environment, and You,” begins Leadership, Paris, the Environment, and You This is our opportunity to lead, as citizens. Will we take up the charge? Are you, like Elon Musk, outraged at President Trump pulling out of the Paris climate accord? Do you, like the CEOs of General Electric and Goldman Sachs, believe the decision will hurt America’s economy? Putting aside your feelings and[…] Keep reading →

What will you fix the toilet for?

on May 25, 2017 in Entrepreneurship,, Leadership

My Inc. post today, “What will you fix the toilet for?,” begins What Will You Fix the Toilet For? How much do you love your work? This simple question can tell you. White-collar workers Consider the banker, consultant, or other multinational corporate worker. He or she demands high compensation, business class travel arrangements, and so on. No one would think of asking them to do manual labor, let alone janitorial[…] Keep reading →

Science: This Remote Paradise Is Most Trashed Spot on Earth

on May 24, 2017 in Awareness, Entrepreneurship,, Leadership, Nature

My Inc. post today, “Science: This Remote Paradise Is Most Trashed Spot on Earth,” begins serious but connects it to entrepreneurship and leadership. It starts: Science: This Remote Paradise Is Most Trashed Spot on Earth Two scientists report that this once-pristine paradise on Earth, now covered with plastic junk. Leaders and entrepreneurs can act. If you haven’t heard, you must have been hiding under a rock. Or maybe a piece[…] Keep reading →

5 Pieces of Advice From an Internet Entrepreneur Who Overcame More Than You Did

on May 15, 2017 in Entrepreneurship,, Tips

My Inc. article today, “5 Pieces of Advice From an Internet Entrepreneur Who Overcame More Than You Did,” begins 5 Pieces of Advice From an Internet Entrepreneur Who Overcame More Than You Did If the adversity you face is less than his, his simple advice may help you overcome it. How many internet sensations make you think, examine your life, or motivate you to realize your potential? Many, like Psy and[…] Keep reading →

Malcolm Gladwell, Seth Godin, Google, and a Harvard Expert: Colleges and Universities Are Broken

on May 11, 2017 in Education, Entrepreneurship,, Leadership

My Inc. article today, “Malcolm Gladwell, Seth Godin, Google, and a Harvard Expert: Colleges and Universities Are Broken,” begins Malcolm Gladwell, Seth Godin, Google, and a Harvard Expert: Colleges and Universities Are Broken They aren’t just complaining. They’re offering alternatives. Malcolm Gladwell couldn’t be more clear in his podcast about a school ranked by some as the number one liberal arts college: There’s only one solution. If you’re looking at[…] Keep reading →

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