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Why This Ivy-League Physics PhD Teaches Leadership, Not Science

on August 15, 2016 in, Leadership

My article today, “Why This Ivy-League Physics PhD Teaches Leadership, Not Science,” begins Why This Ivy-League Physics PhD Teaches Leadership, Not Science The world’s big problems come from our behavior. Science doesn’t change behavior. Leadership does. Another week of hot, humid summer weather (sorry Australia) means more freezing offices where I have to bundle up. Might as well learn a lesson from it in the differences between science, engineering,[…] Keep reading →

A Leadership Lesson From Nelson Mandela (Happy Birthday)

on July 29, 2016 in, Leadership

My post yesterday, “A Leadership Lesson From Nelson Mandela (Happy Birthday)” began A Leadership Lesson From Nelson Mandela (Happy Birthday) Nelson Mandela, perhaps the greatest leader of our time, would have turned 98 last week. Here is an example of him leading his jailers on his way to becoming President. Happy birthday Nelson Mandela, arguably the greatest leader of our time. He would have turned 98 last week. He[…] Keep reading →

There Are 2 Kinds of Inspiration. If You Want to Inspire, Better Know Both.

on July 28, 2016 in, Leadership

My post yesterday, “There Are 2 Kinds of Inspiration. If You Want to Inspire, Better Know Both.” begins: There Are 2 Kinds of Inspiration. If You Want to Inspire, Better Know Both. Some leaders inspire a nation to sacrifice to get to the moon. Others to buy steak knives. Both work, as long as you don’t confuse them. Everyone feels inspired in late December to get fit. Then, come[…] Keep reading →

Habits Are Contagious. How to Make The Science Work for You.

on July 25, 2016 in Habits,, Leadership, Tips

My article today, “Habits Are Contagious. How to Make The Science Work for You.” began Habits Are Contagious. How to Make The Science Work for You. Research finds that we transmit habits like diseases, or like cures. How to use that insight to make the habits you want stick. Studies show that quitting smoking and losing weight spread through networks like diseases do. Many other behavioral changes work similarly.[…] Keep reading →

16 tips to start habits you want and stop ones you don’t

on July 11, 2016 in Habits,, SIDCHAs, Tips

My post today on, “16 tips to start habits you want and stop ones you don’t,” begins 16 tips to start habits you want and stop ones you don’t You know successful habits create success. The challenge is doing them. Here are tips from someone who hasn’t missed his daily habits in over five years. In January 2011 I started writing on my blog daily. I haven’t missed a day since, meaning[…] Keep reading →

The Declaration of Independence: The Best Entrepreneurial Document Ever?

on July 1, 2016 in Entrepreneurship, Freedom, Humor,

My piece today, “The Declaration of Independence: The Best Entrepreneurial Document Ever?“, begins The Declaration of Independence: The Best Entrepreneurial Document Ever? Would you be happy for your venture to last a few years and make a few million? How about 240 years and 3 trillion dollars? Nobody pulled in Benjamins like Benjamin. Any entrepreneur who has written a business plan knows the challenge. For one thing it has so[…] Keep reading →

Get to Know This Emotional Cycle: It Will Improve Your Life

on June 30, 2016 in Awareness, Fitness, Habits,, Tips

My article yesterday, “Get to Know This Emotional Cycle: It Will Improve Your Life” began Get to Know This Emotional Cycle: It Will Improve Your Life Healthy, active, productive activities are often hard to start. Learn this cycle to identify when to use your willpower to help. Yesterday was rowing day. It was also the first hot, humid, sticky day in New York City. I didn’t feel like doing[…] Keep reading →

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