Category Archives: Leadership

Technology is tactical. Behavior is strategic.

on May 12, 2018 in Leadership, Nature

People widely expect technology to solve our environmental problems. What technology? They don’t know. Something someone will invent in the future. What about the pattern that technology has driven consumption of fossil fuels and plastic, accelerated using up resources, and created pollution such as plastic, carcinogens, and so on? But but but they make things more efficient. They do for a while, but the trend is toward accelerating the system[…] Keep reading →

041: David Burkus, Conversation 1: Flipping the mental model

on May 3, 2018 in Leadership, Podcast

David has helped me many times. I felt honored to host him and, I hope, help start his environmental legacy. We covered two main things. First, his new book, Friend of a Friend, on networking. His background as a professor and practitioner means he approaches networking systematically and practically, so beyond learning to network more effectively, you understand networking as a process. Second, his environmental commitment. I loved his choice[…] Keep reading →

Leading Through Emotions Is the Opposite of Manipulation

on May 2, 2018 in, Leadership

Leading Through Emotions Is the Opposite of Manipulation Leading means helping people do what they want, not what they don’t want. Thinking otherwise undermines your ability to lead. As a leadership professor, trainer, and author, I have occasion to see people develop leadership skills at all levels. When I describe the difference between leadership and management, they tend to accept that management generally involves behavior and things you can see[…] Keep reading →

You’d Fire an Employee Whose Goal was Awareness. Why Accept it for the Environment?

on April 30, 2018 in, Leadership

You’d Fire an Employee Whose Goal was Awareness. Why Accept it for the Environment? If you don’t act on your values, are you able to lead? What can you learn? Ridiculous in business Imagine you needed surgery and asked the surgeon who was going to operate on you, “Have you ever done this surgery before?” and he or she said, I haven’t done it before, by I’m aware of the procedure. Imagine you were[…] Keep reading →

Empathy, compassion, Sam Harris, a former neo-nazi, and leadership

on April 28, 2018 in Audio, Leadership

People seem unable to understand groups they disagree with these days. If you disagree with someone enough to argue with them, you probably want to influence them to stop acting in ways you disagree with—that is, you want to lead them. To lead someone you don’t have authority over, you have to understand them and, ideally, make them feel understood. If you behave and communicate in ways that people feel[…] Keep reading →

Looking to scientists and engineers for leadership distracts from getting things done

on April 26, 2018 in Leadership, Nature

“We’re doomed’: Mayer Hillman on the climate reality no one else will dare mention” threatens the headline of an article about a social scientist. There are plenty of similar articles about plenty of similar people. The article recounts Hillman predicting many problems and suggesting solutions, but not getting them implemented. If we want to solve environmental problems we have to separate science and engineering from leadership. Scientists’ and engineers’ training[…] Keep reading →

Cold showers aren’t hard showers. They’re easy workouts.

on April 22, 2018 in Fitness, Habits,, Leadership, SIDCHAs, Tips

Cold Showers Aren’t Hard Showers. They’re Easy Workouts. Confusion about their purpose scare people from realizing their value as one of the easiest, cheapest, and effective improvement practices. I’ve written here many times on the benefits of cold showers. I’ve blogged more about them. You wouldn’t have clicked on the headline if you weren’t curious about them or already doing them. Inc. is a community of achievers and has covered[…] Keep reading →

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