Category Archives: Models
I posted the next part of one of my favorite posts, following yesterday’s, Introversion is not the opposite of extroversion. I call it part 3 there because I had to break part 1 into two parts to meet length requirements. Enjoy! If you believe you have to be either introverted or extroverted—as I did—this series of posts may revolutionize your life.
I’ve meant to post one of my favorite posts, Introversion is not the opposite of extroversion, part 1, to my column at Psychology Today. At last I did. I love the post and what it brings people. I posted it here in 2013, the better part of a decade ago. If you haven’t read it, I recommend it at Psychology Today or on this blog. I’ll post part 2 there[…] Keep reading →
I found a better way to characterize daily habits and sidchas. I used to think of them like brushing my teeth. I don’t remember the last time I went to bed without brushing. That characterization made my sidchas easier for me, but not others. They still think of daily habits as hard, rigid, burdensome. They suggest I take a break: “Josh, really, what would happen if you took a break[…] Keep reading →
Yesterday’s post Update on automatic thoughts people connect with straight white men culminated with a couple questions I found intriguing: Imagine if your entire life, every time you said you suffered, people said, “actually that’s an example of you causing others to suffer.†How would that affect your life? and: Imagine every time you said you worked hard at something, people said, “actually that’s an example of how easy your[…] Keep reading →
Last month I asked “What automatic thoughts come to you when you think of straight white men?“. I also explored the topic with Psychology Today‘s Editor-at-Large, Hara Estroff Marano, in an audio recording for a piece there, White Men and Preconceived Notions. Some updates. . . First, context. However obvious, I’ll still say that the following is a personal account with all the biases of someone just talking to the[…] Keep reading →
Psychology Today’s Editor at Large, Hara Estroff Marano, and I continue our conversations on challenging topics. Today we continue with white men and preconceived notions of us. We were talking about topics before hitting record, I started to describe the pattern that comes up a few minutes into this recording, she lit up in the way someone who has thought about something and has something to say about it does,[…] Keep reading →
The last time I emptied a load of household garbage, and therefore started filling this load was September 2018. The time before that was, I think, June 2017. I figure I’ll also empty my recycling. I see from when I put my high school love letters in the recycling that I started filling this load in late October, meaning I’m filling my paper recycling faster than I expected. I don’t[…] Keep reading →
I may have written these views before, but I find they boil management, leadership, and their differences to their essence, so if I’m repeating myself, I think they’re worth it. Effective management results in compliance. Effective leadership results in inspiration. Leaders without management skills are often dreamers who don’t get things done. Management without leadership is the DMV. If you want an engineer to sell, you can promise all the[…] Keep reading →
The latest crazy talk people have hit me with is describing not flying and avoiding garbage as “unsustainable” and “impossible.” Many say I’m wasting my time. As best I can tell, they’re excusing themselves for living against their values, but it’s let me to see my behavior in new ways. Call me crazy, but I believe polluting less is the future, no matter how impossible it seems for people who[…] Keep reading →