Category Archives: Nonjudgment

People who pollute are judgmental and defensive

on April 16, 2023 in Nonjudgment

I didn’t pay attention to it, but now that I do, people who pollute judge nonstop on sustainability issues. They also defend themselves even when the issue has nothing to do with them. I think they feel judged, which tells me they know they are doing something they believe is wrong. They can’t resolve this internal conflict so suppress and deny it. Then when the issue comes up, they feel[…] Keep reading →

Do you value family over sustainability?

on January 25, 2023 in Nature, Nonjudgment

Over and over people tell me they care about the environment but family comes first. Their parent is sick and they’ve chosen to live flying distance away, they married a spouse from another country and feel they have to fly there twice a year, and things like that. Okay, say family is important enough to disregard hurting other people. Imagine someone else wanted to see their parent, suddenly hospitalized, but[…] Keep reading →

The Ruling Race: Quotes on those who improve their lives on the suffering of others, corrupting them

on January 16, 2023 in Freedom, Nonjudgment

Podcast guest James Oakes’s book The Ruling Race describes the demographics, beliefs, and views of slaveholders in the U.S. south. They are no more or less human than you. The book reveals how being on the dominant side of a dominance hierarchy corrupts one’s values. Following the What is Politics? podcast by podcast guest Daniel, I’ve learned that dominance hierarchies emerge when two conditions apply: one person or group can[…] Keep reading →

Waking before the alarm, writing in the dark

on January 6, 2023 in Habits, Nonjudgment, Stories

I told a friend how sometimes when I wake up before the alarm I get my best ideas. Most of the time I don’t write them down, figuring if they’re important enough, I’ll remember them when I wake up for the day. I learned the habit of not trying to save everything during my first silent meditation retreat. They don’t let attendees bring anything to write with. At first I[…] Keep reading →

Living in the 21st century means there are a million ways to connect and they all break.

on November 16, 2022 in Nonjudgment

I can’t believe I haven’t posted this topic before. I say this phrase nearly every day: Living in the 21st century means there are a million ways to connect and they all break. Everyone agrees. No one even hints otherwise. On the contrary, they share stories. [EDIT: After posting this post I see I did post this topic before: The 21st Century: dozens of ways to communicate . . .[…] Keep reading →

Fossil fuels and slavery from a systems perspective (new diagrams)

on August 28, 2022 in Models, Nature, Nonjudgment, Visualization

You’ve heard my conversations with award-winning authors, scholars, and other experts on slavery. With a couple I’ve talked about the connection between that system and ours. Most of the time, I’ve thought of the connection as an analogy. For a while, I’ve seen the connection as closer. Andrew Hoffman, University of Michigan professor in its business school and its School of Natural Resources and Environment, wrote of his discovering the[…] Keep reading →

Poor people throwing away food

on August 11, 2022 in Nature, Nonjudgment

Regular readers know I volunteer to bring food from stores that throw away stock at the end of the day to a community center. Nearly all that food is fresh. It hasn’t gone bad, they just have new shipments coming in and have to make space. The system is broken. I’m just trying to keep some waste from entering landfills and into peoples’ stomachs. Sometimes people donate food from other[…] Keep reading →

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