Category Archives: Perception

I used to think I lived in the best time and place for food

on August 30, 2020 in Nature, Perception

Living in Manhattan, I used to think I had access to some of the best tasting food in the world and since a long time, maybe forever. With all the restaurants, chefs, and cuisines, I figured their competition and education must drive them to ever improving quality. The longer I cook at home and shop at farmers markets, the more I find restaurants don’t compete on quality of ingredients. What[…] Keep reading →

“Do men have emotions?”, she asked.

on July 18, 2020 in Awareness, Models, Perception, Relationships

I gave a book on men and how men experience the world to my girlfriend at the time, maybe five or ten years ago. After reading it, she asked me, “Do men have emotions?” Apparently she thought men didn’t have emotions. In fact, she clarified, “I thought men just did things.” I’m glad she asked if she didn’t know. I was surprised she didn’t. For context, she had graduated a[…] Keep reading →

My reflection on an exercise assigned me: Drinking a Hot Beverage Without Judgment

on May 23, 2020 in Awareness, Exercises, Nonjudgment, Perception

A friend recommended to me an exercise I hadn’t heard of. It sounds like the Three Raisins exercise I learned from Jon Kabat-Zinn, included in my leadership book, and assign in my leadership class. She didn’t explain much about it, but my experience with experiential exercises told me that doing it would reveal more than any explanation. The exercise The instructions: Drink a hot beverage and when I think judgmental[…] Keep reading →

Science discovering “tastes good” versus “wanting more”

on May 8, 2020 in Audio, Awareness, Perception

Have you noticed the difference between something tasting good—that you like the sensation—versus wanting more—that it motivates you to eat more, though doesn’t always taste good? If the nuance sounds foreign, I’ve written on it several times. I use it to illustrate the difference between craving and emotional reward. In my experience, the difference seems subtle until you get it. Then it’s huge. Emotional reward improves life, craving enables others[…] Keep reading →

Covid-19: Addiction to flying and other polluting behavior was a lack of motivation and imagination

on March 21, 2020 in Nature, Perception

In two days I begin my fifth year not flying. I estimate talking to about 1,000 people about not flying and that about 998 of them said that not flying would be impossible for them—not difficult or unwanted but impossible. Suddenly they’re able not to fly. Their claims of being unable to avoid flying were never a matter of reality, as they described, but a lack of motivation and imagination.[…] Keep reading →

One way to lower white supremacists’ appeal

on February 23, 2020 in Awareness, Nonjudgment, Perception, Tips

Why am I writing so much about white males? Partly because I am one but live in a society that denigrates and silences the group. When I read about people in other groups exploring their accidents of birth—their skin color, sex, sexual preference, geographic origin—society seems to celebrate them. My city hosts parades for many groups. Does anyone wonder how much it would accept a white male parade? I expect[…] Keep reading →

The project I assigned myself following up my posts on white men

on February 22, 2020 in Awareness, Models, Nonjudgment, Perception, psychologytoday

Yesterday’s post Update on automatic thoughts people connect with straight white men culminated with a couple questions I found intriguing: Imagine if your entire life, every time you said you suffered, people said, “actually that’s an example of you causing others to suffer.” How would that affect your life? and: Imagine every time you said you worked hard at something, people said, “actually that’s an example of how easy your[…] Keep reading →

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