Category Archives: Relationships

Caring what others think about you

on December 18, 2015 in Nonjudgment, Relationships

A reader asked: Have you written about ‘people caring or worrying about what others think of them’? Years ago I used to very arrogantly assert that I didn’t care what others thought of me but then I realized that it did matter to me. Half my anxiety comes from it. And a lot of satisfaction too when I learn they think highly of me. So I don’t outrightly make that[…] Keep reading →

How to Make Meaningful Connections Workshop: January 26 in Brooklyn

on December 17, 2015 in Education, Events, Exercises, Relationships

The Media Center is “a new kind of collaborative workspace dedicated to supporting and connecting the next generation of media and tech entrepreneurs, innovators and artists by providing industry resources, events, mentorship and educational opportunities,” created by the City of New York’s Made In NY program and the Independent Filmmaker Project (IFP). It’s a vibrant space with an active community in an exciting area of Brooklyn. On January 26th I’ll[…] Keep reading →

To meet more valuable people, spend less time with people you know

on December 12, 2015 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Relationships

Just back from an all-day networking event not just to meet people but for improving how you meet people I realized something new. Do you try to meet new people to improve your network? If you want to meet people who match with you more than people you already know, you have to free time from the people you know. In other words, you have to spend less time with[…] Keep reading →

Improve your networking at ConnectorCon, next Saturday, Dec. 12 in Manhattan

on December 3, 2015 in Events, Exercises, Relationships

I’m excited participate in ConnectorCon next Saturday, December 12 which you can read more about here. The conference is focused on bringing connectors and thoughtful givers together for a day focused on developing relationships, building partnerships, and learning about everything from psychology to new technology around connecting. I speak from personal experience that nearly every connection the founder has made for me has worked for me. Some people like connecting others.[…] Keep reading →

Enjoy, don’t need

on November 30, 2015 in Perception, Relationships, Tips

What do you need? Typically responses include food, shelter, love, relationships, vacations, etc. I’ve written before on the social repulsiveness of neediness (“You need to read this post” and “The risks of saying “I need…”“, for example). Let’s consider the personal perspective. What perspectives on things can you change from feeling you need them into enjoying them? What relationships do you feel you need but you could instead simply enjoy?[…] Keep reading →

Why people like Donald Trump

on November 28, 2015 in Exercises, Freedom, Habits, Leadership, Nonjudgment, Relationships

One of the exercises my leadership students like most is the Authentic Voice exercise. I’ve written about it at least four times here, including examples from great masters of speaking in their authentic voice, like Muhammad Ali and Robin Williams. Communications skills exercises, part 10: Your Authentic Voice Your authentic voice The great masters of speaking with authentic voices Communications skills exercises, part 10b: another example of voicing your self-talk[…] Keep reading →

Non-judgmental Ethics Sunday: Should I Tell My Friend’s Husband That She’s Having an Affair?

on November 15, 2015 in Ethicist, Nonjudgment, Relationships

Continuing my series of alternative responses to the New York Times column, The Ethicists, looking at the consequences of one’s actions instead of imposing values on others, here is my take on today’s post, “Should I Tell My Friend’s Husband That She’s Having an Affair?” I am a man (if it matters) and friends with a married woman, ‘‘Jane,’’ and her husband, ‘‘Peter.’’ The friendship is more with Jane than[…] Keep reading →

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