Category Archives: SIDCHAs

Struggling through woozy adversity

on November 23, 2017 in Fitness, Habits, Nature, SIDCHAs

Sorry to write about something unpleasant during a holiday about food, but the past couple days, I don’t know what I ate, but something didn’t agree with me. Sorry if you consider it too much information, but I consider it a part of life. My gastrointestinal tract was unsettled, keeping me up at night, forcing me to go to the bathroom a lot, so I only slept a few hours[…] Keep reading →

I’m going to watch a lot more TV

on November 17, 2017 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

Fun with language Longtime readers may remember that most of my life I ate chips, pretzels, and ice cream almost daily. I felt helpless to stop. It was frustrating. A few years ago I switched to fruit, nuts, and vegetables for snacks. I’m never going back. I wrote about how I started calling a head of cabbage a bag of chips in my post How to eat a bag of[…] Keep reading →

At 46, I have the fitness of an under-20-year-old. You can too.

on November 7, 2017 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

I may sound like I’m bragging or humble-bragging, but I’m just sharing my results from answering the questions at a web page,, that an article in the New York Times, How to Age Well, linked to. It says that At 46 years old I have the fitness of an under-20-year-old. Old man still got it. So read it and weep, all of you who value fitness but don’t practice[…] Keep reading →

The Simple Life: My Favorite Daily Moments

on October 19, 2017 in Fitness, Habits,, SIDCHAs

My Inc. post today, “The Simple Life: My Favorite Daily Moments,” begins The Simple Life: My Favorite Daily Moments Every day has a few golden moments that I create and savor, no matter how many times I live them. It’s morning, before 8am. I’ve eaten breakfast, which followed my morning exercise, which followed my one-minute waking-up practice. I’ve already experienced three glorious moments I create every day at no cost in money or time.[…] Keep reading →

I’m no longer “not flying”

on October 18, 2017 in Habits, Leadership, SIDCHAs, Visualization

A friend wrote Your perseverance in not flying around is beyond impressive. 🙂 Are you still not consuming normal packaging? The longer you live outside a system, the less its goals and values control you. As with fitness, my skills living by my pollution-related values becomes easier all the time. I responded I’m no longer “not flying” or avoiding food packaging. I’m living by my values, which means creating adventure,[…] Keep reading →

Among a Man’s Best Feelings

on October 11, 2017 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

My post today on LinkedIn, “Among a Man’s Best Feelings,” begins Among a Man’s Greatest Feelings I’ve lived a fairly academic life—earning a PhD in astrophysics and an MBA. I’ve kept myself in shape and lifted weights, but mostly to play sports, which kept me thin. I never consistently lifted weights. Not that I lift huge weights now, but I’m lifting consistently for years for the first time. Every man[…] Keep reading →

How I Learned To Start Every Day With Purpose

on October 9, 2017 in Awareness, Habits, SIDCHAs

My LinkedIn post today, “How I Learned To Start Every Day With Purpose,” begins How I Learned To Start Every Day With Purpose It’s Monday morning and I’m writing this post because I’m full of enthusiasm and invigorated. Why? Not because I’m a morning person. Not because I like waking up on Mondays. I have a full work day ahead of me, but I’m taking time to share how effective[…] Keep reading →

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