Category Archives: SIDCHAs

My health-related activities

on March 1, 2017 in Exercises, Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

A podcaster and I were emailing about the possibility of doing an interview. He said his podcast was mostly health related. As I summarized for him my health-related activities, I felt that what I was writing would summarize well here, so wrote it more comprehensively than I normally would have. I like sharing these practices. Note that they are things anyone can do. I mean, if you’re wheelchair bound, you[…] Keep reading →

2,461 Blog Posts in 2,191 Days

on January 31, 2017 in Blog, Habits,, SIDCHAs

My post Saturday, “2,461 Blog Posts in 2,191 Consecutive Days,” began 2,461 Blog Posts in 2,191 Consecutive Days What I learned in six years posting daily On January 29, 2011 I wrote the first blog post of an unbroken streak. Today finishes the sixth year. Tomorrow I’ll start year 7. Here’s the blog:, and here is an archive of all the posts. Here’s a picture of the blog[…] Keep reading →

Tim Ferriss is talking about me! … with Martin Gibala, about burpees, the New York Times, and public health

on January 25, 2017 in Fitness, Habits, Humor, SIDCHAs

Tim Ferriss, bestselling author and marketer of The 4-Hour Workweek and follow-up “4-Hour” books, interviewed Martin Gibala, the scientist whose suggesting burpees as a candidate for the single best exercise in the New York Times in 2011 inspired my sidcha. Dr. Gibala’s book with Christopher Shulgan, The One Minute Workout, launches on February 7 (a week before my book, Leadership Step by Step!), which they talked mostly about, how to[…] Keep reading →

Reflections on writing

on January 21, 2017 in Art, Creativity, Exercises, Habits, Leadership, SIDCHAs

One of my online communities had a thread on writing a book this year. It led me to reflect on writing in a way that might help someone where I was before starting to write. I consider what I wrote relevant to practicing any craft or developing one’s passion. Here’s what I wrote: Last year was my big year for writing and finishing my book, Leadership Step by Step. It[…] Keep reading →

Stealing Happiness Back from Comfort

on January 20, 2017 in Habits, Leadership, SIDCHAs, Stories

I guest posted today with the Lead Change Group, whose vision and mission are: Our Vision The Lead Change Group is a global, virtual community dedicated to encouraging and showcasing great ideas and helping leaders in their own professional growth. Mission We will encourage, energize and equip one another to leading change – in ourselves, in others, and in our communities. We want to be a resourceful, supportive community sharing[…] Keep reading →

The busier I am, the more I stick to my sidchas

on January 14, 2017 in Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

Being busy means not having time. If you want more time, don’t do things you don’t have to. Makes sense, right? My book launch is making me busier than ever. I have four or five big in-person events coming up in February to plan and host, a seminar or two to plan and host, two classes at NYU to teach, one sales class in January to teach, … Forbes interviewed[…] Keep reading →

A burpee app?

on January 7, 2017 in Exercises, Fitness, Habits,, SIDCHAs, Tips

My 2,192 Days of Burpees post and Inc. article got a lot of responses, including questions how to start from people who felt inspired by this free, zero-equipment, zero-cost, low-risk, healthy, and so on practice. One reader asked if I could recommend an app. I wrote back Glad to hear from you and that you’re inspired. I prefer not to use an app. Like brushing my teeth, I just know[…] Keep reading →

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