Category Archives: SIDCHAs

An attendee’s stellar review of my webinar: Life-Changing Habits Even (Especially) Under Lock-Down

on May 21, 2020 in Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

An attendee of my webinar, Life-Changing Habits Even (Especially) Under Lock-Down, wrote how it affected her life already (spoiler: positively, beyond expectations, and in areas she had plateaued). Read her email below. Below the email I link to her writing. So you can experience the webinar too, here’s the video of it: Dear Josh,  Thank you so much for your email and for connecting with me further. In response to[…] Keep reading →

Habits aren’t my thing, despite what you might think

on May 20, 2020 in Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

I want to clarify a point of confusion, probably my fault. Since I talk a lot about sidchas and habits, one could conclude that I focus on habits as a big part of my life. On the contrary, though I consider them important, they are less a big part of my life than they make worry and insecurity a small part of my life. For clients that come to me[…] Keep reading →

Life-Changing Habits Even (Especially) Under Lock-Down

on May 5, 2020 in Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs, Stories

Here is the video from my webinar last week on life-changing habits during lock-down (and the rest of your life). Wondering if you should watch? Quoting attendees: “My boyfriend was an Olympic fencer and I texted him: this webinar is like  an insight into your brain. Now I see how you do everything and how you’re so productive.” “Holy cow, it’s so simple. It’s so true. I could immediately see[…] Keep reading →

Keeping your habits and sidchas

on May 2, 2020 in Habits, Models, SIDCHAs

I found a better way to characterize daily habits and sidchas. I used to think of them like brushing my teeth. I don’t remember the last time I went to bed without brushing. That characterization made my sidchas easier for me, but not others. They still think of daily habits as hard, rigid, burdensome. They suggest I take a break: “Josh, really, what would happen if you took a break[…] Keep reading →

Join my webinar THIS FRIDAY: Creating meaning, purpose, and structure under lock down (and the rest of your life)

on April 28, 2020 in Events, Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

Reading in one of my online groups about people struggling to keep habits without external structure—something I think I can safely claim expertise in—I offered to share what I’ve found works in 150,000 burpees, etc. I made an interactive webinar out of my experience—my most comprehensive, useful compilation of a decade of experience creating structure, discipline, and mental freedom. Most relevant now, I did it at no cost, not needing[…] Keep reading →

150,000 burpees

on April 5, 2020 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

According to my spreadsheet that calculates my burpee count, I did my hundred-fifty-thousandth today. Actually, that would be my hundred-fifty-thousandth as part of my burpee-based sidcha. I occasionally do more, like to show people how to do them, or when I see how long I take to do a hundred, but I never do less. My total expenditures on them is still $0.00, including equipment, trainer, travel, etc. I haven’t[…] Keep reading →

Year 10, day 1, number 3,764

on January 23, 2020 in Creativity, Habits, SIDCHAs

My blog archives show that on January 23, 2011, after a few years of posting irregularly, I wrote my first post of a still-unbroken streak. This post is number 3,764. I posted twice many days, such as my during my North Korea trips. Friends had recommended I start a blog for years. I began thinking I contained a few dozen ideas worth posting about, maybe 50, at least as far[…] Keep reading →

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