Category Archives: Visualization

Introversion is not the opposite of extroversion, part 1

on November 20, 2013 in Awareness, Blog, Fitness, Freedom, Models, Nature, Visualization

Here is a common belief for the relationships between introversion and extraversion. I’m going to show how it worsens your life and offer an alternative you will resist and fight against, but if you keep an open mind you’ll realize explains your world more effectively and helps you to improve your life. I call it the “Or” model of introversion and extraversion for reasons you’ll see below. It says that[…] Keep reading →

Choose easier by visualizing choices, part 2

on October 30, 2013 in Blog, Choosing/Decision-Making, Models, Tips, Visualization

Multiple factors Not all options have only one decision factor. Many have two or more. For example, do you prefer a job with higher pay but lower chance of promotion or higher chance of promotion but lower pay? You have to look case-by-case, but let’s see how our visual representation shows them. A trivial choice The easiest two-part case is when you prefer both parts of an option to both[…] Keep reading →

Choose easier by visualizing choices, part I

on October 29, 2013 in Blog, Choosing/Decision-Making, Models, Tips, Visualization

You know choosing can be hard. I’ve written about it before from a few angles: Why are decisions hard? Difficult life decision? Here’s how to look at it. How to decide among close options A belief to choose without getting mired in indecision Today I’ll give you a tool to simplify decision-making more with a way of visualizing the challenge that shows the hard part. Partly I’m following up on[…] Keep reading →

A doubly improved representation of Flow-related emotional states

on September 28, 2013 in Awareness, Models, Visualization

A couple years ago I wrote two posts on the emotional state where you get so lost in an activity you lose track of time, focused with all your attention. Hours pass without your noticing while minutes may seem like hours as you focus intently. We like this state. A researcher named Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi studied it and named the state “flow.” He wrote a book on it that improved my[…] Keep reading →

A visual model to understand passion and attraction: The Passion-Attraction Model

on August 12, 2013 in Awareness, Blog, Models, Visualization

[Last week I posted a five-part series on a mental model I have for how our passion and attraction grows and wanes over time and the consequences of that pattern, according to the model. Today I’m posting them all in one post.] Day 1: Introducing a new model: Passion and Attraction I’m starting a new series today on a new model, this time on passion and attraction. Everyone I showed[…] Keep reading →

A model for balancing pushing myself with enjoying life

on June 7, 2013 in Awareness, Choosing/Decision-Making, Education, Exercises, Models, Visualization

[This post is part of a series on “Mental models and beliefs: an exercise to identify yours.” If you don’t see a Table of Contents to the left, click here to view the series, where you’ll get more value than reading just this post.] Do you work hard to improve your life — studying hard, working long hours, being patient with a significant other, etc? If you’re always pushing, when[…] Keep reading →

A model for strategy

on June 2, 2013 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Exercises, Models, NorthKorea, Tips, Visualization

[This post is part of a series on “Mental models and beliefs: an exercise to identify yours.” If you don’t see a Table of Contents to the left, click here to view the series, where you’ll get more value than reading just this post.] Strategy is a fundamental study for many fields, including leadership, military, games, and plenty areas of business. If you’re reading this page, you don’t need motivation[…] Keep reading →

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