Search Results for: population

Promoting one group and rarely the other is not promoting equality

on August 1, 2017 in

This topic ends up being controversial, though I don’t think it should. People seem to have a hard time seeing that men face challenges, empathizing with them, or accepting that they/we aren’t a unified group trying to get power at women’s expense. I wrote this piece for Inc., but chose to publish it here instead. I feel equality is important to write about, especially in business and entrepreneurship. July saw[…] Keep reading →

Economics is wrong about growth

on July 24, 2017 in Education, Models, Nature

My recent post at Inc., “Economics Is Wrong About Growth And It’s Ruining Everything,” begins Economics Is Wrong About Growth And It’s Ruining Everything Even Adam Smith foresaw an end to growth. How did we lose sight of it and think we could grow forever? Nearly every economist I’ve heard say anything about economic growth says it’s necessary for a population’s well-being, as has nearly every comment I’ve seen on the subject from non-economists.[…] Keep reading →

Leadership and the Environment podcast overview and structure

on July 20, 2017 in Audio, Leadership, Nature, Podcast

Overview Leadership and the Environment features influencers who care about the environment leading by example by taking on personal challenges to live by their values—a challenge in today’s world. Guests have loved it for showcasing them as authentic, empathetic leaders and giving them a chance to act on values that they’ve put on hold. Guests don’t need environmental expertise. They including luminaries such as Dan Pink, multiple #1 NY Times[…] Keep reading →

My podcast interviews and reviews

on July 17, 2017 in Audio, Podcast

This page is a work in progress, collecting the podcasts that have interviewed me plus links and my reviews of each of the podcasts. Join Up Dots with David Ralph The recordings: “A Man Who Thrives One Step After Anxiety,” January 2015 “Finding Passion Through Leadership,” February 6, 2017 My review of the podcast: Dave is a master I’ve had the honor and pleasure of David interviewing me twice and[…] Keep reading →

What’s more exotic, a mango or a turnip? What’s sweeter, ice cream or an apple? More culturally different, someone in a different country or generation?

on June 27, 2017 in Awareness, Fitness, Nature, Perception

What’s more exotic, a mango or a turnip? In New York City, and most of the U.S., you can buy mangoes at many stores. Turnips are harder to find. People say they travel to experience new, exotic things. But they don’t see that there are new things in their back yards. What’s sweeter, ice cream or an apple? Ice cream has more sugar than apples and for most Americans, who[…] Keep reading →

Non-judgmental Ethics Sunday: Can Dad Bring His Second Wife to Mom’s Funeral?

on May 14, 2017 in Ethicist, Nonjudgment

Continuing my series of responses to the New York Times’, The Ethicist, without imposing values, here is my take on today’s post, “Can Dad Bring His Second Wife to Mom’s Funeral?” My question is whether it’s appropriate for Woman B, who broke up Woman A’s marriage, to attend Woman A’s funeral. My dad planned to bring his second wife, with whom he had an affair before he left my mother[…] Keep reading →

Will market forces fix global warming? It would be a global catastrophe.

on April 22, 2017 in Nature

In the past: “We don’t have to act on global warming. The market will take care of everything.” When the market responds to global warming: “Help! Subsidize us! Protect us from the market!” Many people think we’ll avoid the worst predictions about global warming because market forces will drive up costs of fossil fuels as they become more scarce and motivate entrepreneurs to create new solutions. I don’t think they[…] Keep reading →

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