People who claim not to judge and blame often do, illustrated, part 2

on September 23, 2012 in Awareness, Blog, Humor

Following yesterday’s post on the Daily Show’s showing people saying they include and accept exclude and dismiss, here’s another on blaming and finger pointing, claiming others are doing it, not you. Watching the clip is funny, but I’m including it here because it gives us a chance to introspect. The point of this blog is to provide tools and insight to learn and grow, and I think this clip does[…] Keep reading →

How I got to work a day or two a week

on September 2, 2012 in Blog, Education, Entrepreneurship, Freedom

Despite my posting on how I find asking “so what do you do” a boring question, apparently everyone I meet hasn’t read every post on my site, so they keep asking me what I do. It’s hard to answer the question when you know they want to know your work when work is such a small part of your life. You can talk about making art, writing, travels, etc, but[…] Keep reading →

Why I don’t like watching soccer

on August 6, 2012 in Blog, Fitness

If you don’t mind my indulging in sharing a pet peeve of mine perhaps unrelated to leadership and my other usual topics, playing Ultimate again this summer combined with being outside the U.S. during a major soccer event (I think the European cup was major), I got to think about soccer and values. I find soccer players often shameful and occasionally repulsive. Just my opinion, of course, but I already[…] Keep reading →

North Korean children’s nearly unbelievable performances

on August 4, 2012 in Art, Creativity, Education, NorthKorea

The pictures below don’t even approach showing the almost unbelievable performance ability of North Korean children. Joseph’s pictures showcase their talent better. But no images can show the professionalism, dedication, and raw talent these kids have. The pictures below are from the Children’s Palace, which trains children to perform and create art and puts on incredible performances. After their performance last time, my travel groupmate who was starting a school[…] Keep reading →

An interesting character in North Korea

on August 3, 2012 in NorthKorea

I don’t have any story behind the guy in the picture below. We were at the cemetery for North Korea’s martyrs on the anniversary of Kim Il Sung’s birth, which was like being at Arlington on July 4th. As you can see behind him, columns and columns of soldiers paid respect from before we arrived until after we left. As for him, I couldn’t tell if he held authority or[…] Keep reading →

Facebook’s woes and what it could have done instead

on August 1, 2012 in Blog, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

If you know me, you’d expect Facebook’s woes to mean the problems Facebook inflicts on its users who haven’t left it yet. After all, leaving Facebook is easy and fun. Yes, they’re reaching a billion users, but I’m no longer one of them and once you leave the site seems weird, like why would you do business with such a creepy company. From the New York Times, Facebook Shares Plummet[…] Keep reading →

Words to help you do things daily

on July 24, 2012 in Blog, Freedom, Tips

I think of a certain piece of advice almost daily in maintaining my daily routine. I find it invaluable. When I started this page I asked a friend with a successful blog how often he wrote — only weekdays, daily, now and then? He said words that stuck with me well. If you skip one day you can skip two. Once you skip two days it’s over. Conclusion: don’t skip[…] Keep reading →

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