Charging on the roof in the snow

on January 17, 2024 in Leadership

The temperature was well below freezing (in the low 20s F or -5C), but today was sunny, the next few days will be overcast, and my batteries were low. So up to the roof I went. In fact, today works out to be a rare three-climb day, meaning close to fifty flights for my over-fifty-year-old bones, and a torn meniscus. But someone has to show it’s possible so we can[…] Keep reading →

How sweet vegetables have become. They used to taste bland.

on January 16, 2024 in Fitness, Nature, Perception

Vegetables have been blowing me away with their sweetness lately. For years since stopping consuming doof nearly completely, I’ve been finding fresh produce increasingly delicious. I usually say how I used to consider Ben and Jerry’s delicious and apples relatively bland. Now apples taste sweeter than ice cream ever did. In time, more vegetables have come to taste sweeter than fruit used to. I don’t think their composition changed. I[…] Keep reading →

Saturday morning syringes in the park

on January 15, 2024 in Addiction

A reminder: my point in posting about syringes and addiction is less about the people addicted to hard drugs and more about our culture of huge parts of America (and many other nations) addicted. Addiction to social media, doof, fast fashion, driving, wearing shorts inside in the winter and sweaters in the summer, and everything else is addiction too. Regarding syringes, I’m writing: I saw the syringes below about 9:30am[…] Keep reading →

This week’s selected media: January 14, 2024: Take the Lead

on January 14, 2024 in Tips

This week I finished: Take the Lead, by Sasha DiGiulian: The author is one of the premier climbers today. The book describes her journey from childhood to winning too many competitions to count and being the first to climb many faces around the world, along with the fame that comes with it. My nephew loves climbing and she went to college where I did (Columbia), so when her team sent[…] Keep reading →

Some of my trash from the 1970s and 1980s

on January 13, 2024 in Stories, Visualization

I haven’t filled a load of trash in my apartment since 2019. This week I cleaned out my stuff from my father’s basement. It turns out he put stuff there after I went to college. He didn’t tell me and I forgot about it. I wish I’d known about it between then and now, but didn’t. I’m saving some and giving some away through Craigslist (putting it back in circulation,[…] Keep reading →

More undignified trashed Christmas pagan trees. January 13, almost done?

on January 13, 2024 in Nature, Visualization

Just after my last post on the waste and disgust of Christmas Pagan trees being thrown away, I saw tons more. Look at how something to celebrate the birth of their lord, savior, and messiah they throw into the gutter. Stay classy, Christians! Want to bet if there will be enough more to come for a future post? More, each telling its own story of death, pollution, and garbage. The[…] Keep reading →

I’m pointing to a brighter future. They keep looking at my hand.

on January 12, 2024 in Models, Perception

I finally found how to describe how the New Yorker and other outlets covered me: I’m pointing to a brighter future. They keep looking at my hand. The New Yorker wrote how I have dirt under my fingernails, which you get when you dig deep. I can’t blame anyone. It’s no one else’s responsibility for me to be understood. My book should help change this outcome, where I can clarify[…] Keep reading →

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