Category Archives: Choosing/Decision-Making

Zuckerberg and DiCaprio Take Heat for Flying Too Much

on July 27, 2017 in Choosing/Decision-Making,, Leadership

My Inc. post today, “Zuckerberg and DiCaprio Take Heat for Flying Too Much,” begins Zuckerberg and DiCaprio Take Heat for Flying Too Much There is no half-integrity. Do it all the way or it undermines your leadership. Mark Zuckerberg announced a few months ago his plan to visit every state to learn more about people who use Facebook–people who struggle to make ends meet or fall through the cracks. Leonardo DiCaprio was[…] Keep reading →

Minimalism is misnamed

on July 22, 2017 in Choosing/Decision-Making

Minimalism as a lifestyle seems popular. I consider the name backward. I avoid labels, but I think this one is nearly the opposite of what it describes—a lifestyle about maximizing, not minimizing. The term maximalism seems already taken by something irrelevant to what I describe below, so I may be too late, but I suggest considering changing it. The term minimalism means different things to different people, but the following people[…] Keep reading →

Patagonia founder acting on his values, even at the company’s expense. Still works out.

on June 26, 2017 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Nature

I rarely simply post someone else just talking, but my focus lately on motivating people to act on their values against comfort and convenience has resulted in such a desert that the video below was too refreshing not to share. No one I talk to considers avoiding one flight. No one who visits can stop bringing garbage. Yet this man keeps choosing actions that would appear to hurt his company,[…] Keep reading →

Leadership and the Environment podcast episode #4: My talk, recorded live, June 19, 2017

on June 21, 2017 in Audio, Awareness, Choosing/Decision-Making, Leadership, Nature

Still a work in progress, below is my latest keynote on Leadership and the Environment. I gave it to a live audience, June 19, 2017. Sorry, no video. Since it’s still a work in progress, so I welcome suggestions for improvements. [EDIT: click here for the audio]

Why I turned down nearly $10,000 to teach for an Ivy League school for a week in Shanghai

on June 17, 2017 in Awareness, Choosing/Decision-Making, Freedom, Leadership, Nature

Columbia University offered me nearly $10,000 to fly to Shanghai to teach an entrepreneurship class, block-week style, meaning a semester in a week, 9-5 each day. I’ve taught that way before and got great results. I love teaching entrepreneurship. I’m not bragging to say that my reviews say I’m exceptional at it. I love my alma mater, Columbia, and as an adjunct professor, experience teaching at Ivy League schools helps[…] Keep reading →

I Do Burpees Daily Because I’m Lazy and Full of Excuses

on June 10, 2017 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Fitness, Habits,, SIDCHAs

My Inc. post Monday, “I Do Burpees Daily Because I’m Lazy and Full of Excuses,” began I Do Burpees Daily Because I’m Lazy and Full of Excuses Not having a skill so useful as discipline is a reason to do them, which transformed my life. When I tell people about my burpee habit, their most common response is to suppose I was born with superhuman discipline. I do them daily,[…] Keep reading →

Call for action to you – for a new path to reduce climate change

on June 8, 2017 in Audio, Awareness, Choosing/Decision-Making, Education, Leadership, Nature, Podcast

Prepare for one of my most important podcasts from someone who knows the science behind the environment. Want to improve the environment? You may remember Balint, a fellow scientist who got a PhD in physics became an entrepreneur got passionate about improving in business, and teaches experiential project-based learning. from his first podcast interview of me, which covered leadership and education. We continued our conversation and spoke the way only[…] Keep reading →

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