Category Archives: Choosing/Decision-Making

Leadership and the Environment Podcast episode #3: Freedom, empathy, garbage, and compost

on June 5, 2017 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Freedom, Habits,, Nature, Podcast

How much waste do you create that others have to deal with? The environment involves more than global warming. As my Inc. piece reported recently, we’re producing enough waste that an island in the middle of the Pacific, with no inhabitants and thousands of miles from any city, is covered with plastic and other waste, most of it needless garbage: I don’t know what to call that amount and kind[…] Keep reading →

My first guest “host” on a podcast: The Hidden Why, by Leigh Martinuzzi

on June 3, 2017 in Audio, Choosing/Decision-Making, Entrepreneurship, Freedom

Leigh Martinuzzi hosts the podcast The Hidden Why. He posted my first solo audio recording. Listen to the recording! Listen to the recording! We met online, which led to speaking, learning each other’s work and interests, and talking about collaborating. I thought he might interview me. Instead he suggested me recording something for his blog by myself, which I consider harder. More than harder, I find it scarier to record[…] Keep reading →

The Leadership and the Environment Podcast: It Starts Here and Now

on May 28, 2017 in Audio, Choosing/Decision-Making, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Nature

Everyone wants a cleaner environment and recognizes human behavior is trashing it. We can’t stop ourselves because of the systems we created that make it convenient, comfortable, fun, and in nearly every way emotionally rewarding to pollute except that it’s against our values of leaving the world better than we found it. Only you know your values and what better means to you, but I’ve never met anyone who didn’t[…] Keep reading →

How science improves leadership and coaching: My conversation with Ron Potter

on May 13, 2017 in Audio, Awareness, Choosing/Decision-Making, Leadership, Models, Nature

Does a background in science help someone lead? … does it help someone coach? If so, how? I spoke with longtime leadership and executive coach Ron Potter, who came from an engineering and technical background to coach executives at top levels of major global companies, about how our backgrounds help. We covered: How a science and technical background helps us understand and work with emotions better than others … and[…] Keep reading →

Personal responsibility, leadership, and global warming

on May 10, 2017 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Leadership, Nature

Global initiatives miss the one big change you, the person reading these words, have control over and nobody else does, which is your behavior. If you don’t change what you have control over, why would you expect or suspect anybody else would? Will you change what you can? Though I can’t prove it, I know that if you do and you stick with it, however much it looks like sacrifice[…] Keep reading →

Learning social and emotional skills is hard but worth it

on May 9, 2017 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Exercises, Leadership, Relationships

Ultimately all the advice in the world leads to one simple starting point: You have to act, practice, and rehearse new skills to get their benefit and those first acts, as with any new skill, will be clumsy, embarrassing, and full of other challenges that will lead the novice to feel bad. If you try, you will fail and feel bad, worse than if you never tried, but if you[…] Keep reading →

Can I pick your brain? … Daniel Gefen’s wonderful, funny, penetrating interview of consistency and greatness you can achieve

on April 28, 2017 in Audio, Choosing/Decision-Making, Fitness, Freedom, Habits, SIDCHAs

I wish I could convey how much fun Daniel Gefen and I had talking before the podcast. I think it comes out in the conversation. Beyond being fun, Daniel went into depth nobody has about something I long wished someone would—the motivation behind the burpees and sidchas. Most interviewers ask about what I do, less about why or the effects. Daniel delved into consistency and how much it can create[…] Keep reading →

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