Category Archives: Choosing/Decision-Making

The Great Barrier Reef’s Demise and You

on April 10, 2017 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Nature

According to The Guardian: Great Barrier Reef at ‘terminal stage’: scientists despair at latest coral bleaching data ‘Last year was bad enough, this is a disaster,’ says one expert as Australia Research Council finds fresh damage across 8,000km I read this at a message board for geeks and entrepreneurs and shared the following, which I wanted to share here: Many posts here about how sad and disgusted people are. Not[…] Keep reading →

The opposite of consuming unnecessarily is not deprivation or unhappiness

on April 7, 2017 in Awareness, Choosing/Decision-Making, Perception

Apparently of all the materials we mine, extract, harvest and so on, after six months, less than one percent is still in use or in the product we got it for. Over 99% of what we get from the earth is used that long. I found that statistic from The Story of Stuff (video and annotated script). These two pages 21 Surprising Statistics That Reveal How Much Stuff We Actually[…] Keep reading →

How I Wake Up in Under One Minute Every Day

on April 1, 2017 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Freedom, Habits, Tips

Yesterday my guest post, “How I Wake Up in Under One Minute Every Day,” posted in Lidiya K‘s Let’s Reach Success blog. It begins For most of my life, certainly the past decade, I’d take twenty-plus minutes to get out of bed after my alarm, often forty minutes or more. Since November I’ve gotten out of bed in under sixty seconds, without fail, each day, at 6:15am. When a mutual[…] Keep reading →

The One Way Ticket Show podcast: the American Revolution and Leadership

on February 15, 2017 in Audio, Choosing/Decision-Making, Freedom, Leadership

Steven Shalowitz, host of The One Way Ticket Show podcast, posted yesterday our interview, “Josh’s one way ticket is back to this historic time in American history,” which covers the time in history I would choose to go to if I could magically go there with no chance to return, as well as Leadership Step by Step. Click here to listen! I find the show fascinating, as well as his[…] Keep reading →

Authenticity, Leadership & Finding Your “One Thing” from the C Method Podcast

on February 2, 2017 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Entrepreneurship

Christina Canters of The C Method podcast posted her interview of me today. We had a fun, open conversation. I think you’ll like listening. We talked about authenticity and how to achieve a lot by knowing how to focus on one thing by knowing what you want, not wondering, among other topics. Many people hold back from devoting or committing themselves to one thing, afraid of regretting losing what they[…] Keep reading →

The bounty of more value from less crap

on December 6, 2016 in Awareness, Choosing/Decision-Making, Fitness, Freedom, Habits

I’m scheduling being on a podcast (with Steven Shalowitz of the fascinating The One Way Ticket Show) and Steven and I got to talking about food, flying, and trying new things instead of unthinkingly doing what everyone else does. Or not experimenting at all. Since I figure you’re here to improve your life, I couldn’t help but share some of our conversation. I mentioned I’m avoiding flying for a year.[…] Keep reading →

How to do the things you dream of

on October 18, 2016 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Freedom

People look at my bio or hear about the things I do and ask how I do them—visiting North Korea (twice), running marathons, working with Nobel Prize winners, getting a PhD, getting an MBA, starting companies, and so on. I finally figured out the answer. Here’s how I do all those things: I do them. That’s it. If you want to go to to North Korea, here’s how you do[…] Keep reading →

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