Category Archives: Education

NYU Students Speak About Joshua Spodek’s Entrepreneurship and Leadership Courses

on July 15, 2017 in Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership

I recently met with two groups of students who took my leadership and entrepreneurship courses at NYU, Charlie Rose-style. I believe the 9 students represent the experiences of the majority of students who took my courses and did the exercises conscientiously. They included undergraduates who took my courses as freshmen and adult professionals founding or running successful businesses they founded and ran for decades. These videos are the first of[…] Keep reading →

My Leader to Leader article featured by the Frances Hesselbein Institute

on July 8, 2017 in Education, Leadership

If I weren’t proud enough of my article in the current issue, the Hesselbein Institute’s summer newsletter featured me and the article. Here’s the feature (click the image for a pdf of the article): Here’s the full newsletter:

Elite Universities, Failure, and How They Just Don’t Get It

on July 1, 2017 in Education, Fitness

My Inc. article yesterday, “Elite Universities, Failure, and How They Just Don’t Get It,” began Elite Universities, Failure, and How They Just Don’t Get It Elite universities don’t get failure, revealing a deep strategic flaw in U.S. education. Some solutions are easy. A recent New York Times article, “On Campus, Failure Is on the Syllabus,” reports on how elite American universities are trying to prepare students for things not going[…] Keep reading →

What is Wrong with Leadership Training for Sustainable Success?

on June 29, 2017 in Audio, Education, Exercises, Leadership

Chris Salem hosts the Sustainable Success radio show on Voice America, Wednesdays at 11am. He interviewed me yesterday and posted the interview. Live radio means no retakes or editing, which makes everything more dynamic. Also, we practice the Meaningful Connection exercise from Chapter 17 of my book and leadership course, so if you’re working on them and want to hear it in action, listen to this episode. Here’s the episode[…] Keep reading →

Published in the Leader to Leader journal

on June 23, 2017 in Education, Leadership

I just got my copies of the summer 2017 edition of the Leader to Leader Journal, published by the Frances Hesselbein Leadership Institute (formerly named for Peter Drucker). The journal is a many-times winner of the APEX award for publication excellence. In other words, it’s prestigious. My article, “Leadership Step by Step,” is on page 25. Here are some scans to whet your appetite: To whet your appetite more, the[…] Keep reading →

The Conscious Millionaire: How to Develop Effective Leadership Skills

on June 9, 2017 in Audio, Education, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Podcast

J V Crum III hosts a podcast called the Conscious Millionaire. He helps purpose-driven entrepreneurs succeed. He also interviewed me and posted our conversation today. He and I have talked before and since and I like his mission and approach, which I’ve learned from. For example, he’s inspired me to include him in my Leadership and the Environment slide show for his using a diabetes diagnosis and vastly improve his[…] Keep reading →

Call for action to you – for a new path to reduce climate change

on June 8, 2017 in Audio, Awareness, Choosing/Decision-Making, Education, Leadership, Nature, Podcast

Prepare for one of my most important podcasts from someone who knows the science behind the environment. Want to improve the environment? You may remember Balint, a fellow scientist who got a PhD in physics became an entrepreneur got passionate about improving in business, and teaches experiential project-based learning. from his first podcast interview of me, which covered leadership and education. We continued our conversation and spoke the way only[…] Keep reading →

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