Category Archives: Education

My disillusion from visiting Columbia’s Earth and Environmental Science Department

on March 4, 2017 in Education, Leadership, Nature

I’ll get in trouble for describing this visit as one of the most disillusioning interactions I’ve had for a long time. This post is part of a work in progress, of me disentangling my thoughts and impressions to figure out how to act in a community I’m partly an outsider, but whose involvement I consider critical for achieving goals I consider important. I welcome perspectives. I know I didn’t write[…] Keep reading →

See me speak online TODAY at the Teach and Profit Summit

on February 27, 2017 in Education, Entrepreneurship

If you read my blog, you know I care about education and that, despite my Ivy League PhD and MBA, I’ve learned enough outside of school to consider classes outside universities more valuable in many areas. I value other venues. Hence creating my classes. Maybe you’ve thought about creating your own classes. I support trying. You’ll learn a lot in the process. If it takes off, you could become successful.[…] Keep reading →

Watch Callie Schweitzer, of Arianna Huffington’s Thrive Global, interview of me

on February 23, 2017 in Education, Leadership

Yesterday Callie Schweitzer—Global Managing Editor for Arianna Huffington’s Thrive Global, where I write a column—interviewed me about Leadership Step by Step and leadership in general. Click here or on the image below for the interview. She described it after as the best interview she’d done. Over 4,000 people have watched it already, so it’s one of my biggest exposures so far. I recommend watching it!

The Benefits of Experiential Learning for Leaders with Rocket Scientist Joshua Spodek

on February 21, 2017 in Audio, Awareness, Education, Entrepreneurship, Exercises, Habits, Leadership, Perception

Mark Bidwell, founder and podcast host of Innovation Ecosystem, posted today a wonderful interview about Leadership Step by Step, experiential learning, exercises, and more. I can only describe Mark as someone who gets it. He ascended the corporate ladder, where he drove innovation, built teams, and so on, then found there was more to life and is creating resources to enable others to. If you are looking to improve your[…] Keep reading →

How To Lead Better Through Practice: Watch a video with me and David Burkus

on February 20, 2017 in Education, Exercises, Leadership

David Burkus is a writer, speaker, and coach on leadership and creativity. A mutual friend put us in touch and he’s helped me with my book, coaching, and writing since. He’s also hosting the Work Smarter Summit, an online summit of speakers, interviews, teachers, and thought leaders. I’m one of the speakers! … That means it’s quality. Here’s a screen shot: My conversation with him is full of useful information,[…] Keep reading →

Genuineness and authenticity: What it takes

on February 17, 2017 in Art, Creativity, Education, Leadership, Visualization

I finally watched Gone With the Wind. People routinely rate it one of the top movies. Watching it, you automatically rate it by the standards of its time. But watch the acting these iconic scenes. The morning after watching the movie, I woke up realizing how ungenuine and inauthentic the acting was. Sure, by the standards of its time, the acting was probably great. But watch this scene, the opening[…] Keep reading →

Amazon ships Leadership Step by Step today!

on February 16, 2017 in Education, Exercises, Leadership

Several milestones mark a book’s publication. is the dominant book retailer and today they officially started shipping my book, Leadership Step by Step. Early reviews look promising: 27 5-star reviews and 1 4-star. Here’s a screenshot The book has jumped to 472nd place in leadership, an auspicious beginning. Still, 471 places to go. I recommend reading the reviews and buying copies for everyone you know ;). Thank you! Reaching[…] Keep reading →

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