Category Archives: Habits

Year 10, day 1, number 3,764

on January 23, 2020 in Creativity, Habits, SIDCHAs

My blog archives show that on January 23, 2011, after a few years of posting irregularly, I wrote my first post of a still-unbroken streak. This post is number 3,764. I posted twice many days, such as my during my North Korea trips. Friends had recommended I start a blog for years. I began thinking I contained a few dozen ideas worth posting about, maybe 50, at least as far[…] Keep reading →

Do you postpone or get postponed on more?

on January 21, 2020 in Habits

Sometimes you can’t help postponing a meeting. Which happens more, that you postpone on others or that others postpone on you? People tell me their ratio is about 1:1. For me, I feel people postpone on me at least three or four times more. If someone depends on me, I try to meet their trust. If others postpone on me more, am I too lenient? A pushover? A loser? If[…] Keep reading →

My thoughts from when the alarm goes off

on January 17, 2020 in Awareness, Habits, Perception, SIDCHAs

I love my sidcha to wake up, make my bed, cross the room, and turn off my alarm within sixty seconds. Loving the sidcha doesn’t mean I love every moment of it. On the contrary, the first few moments of it feel the same as they always have. I start with the same thoughts. Over the years, my inner monologue has come to change to purposeful enthusiasm faster. But I[…] Keep reading →

Make exercises and activities easier by combining complementing ones

on January 12, 2020 in Habits, Tips

Pairing hot with cold Cold showers are hard to start, even in the middle of the summer, though rewarding, so I you want the benefit of taking them. Getting sweaty from running, rowing, or other vigorous exercise feels good in some sense, but who wants to stay sweaty? When you’re hot you want to cool off, even in the middle of winter. Pairing getting hot and sweaty with a cold[…] Keep reading →

When, specifically, is the best time for morning exercises?

on December 28, 2019 in Choosing/Decision-Making, Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs, Tips

Say you exercise in the morning. When is the best time for it? First, what’s the point of morning exercises? Fitness? Yes, you can’t leave fitness out, and if you don’t impose on yourself a healthy daily challenging activity, you might expect the point of the specific activity to be the main goal. It’s not—not in the long term. The goals of daily morning exercise include in the long term[…] Keep reading →

Emptying my household garbage for the first time in 2019

on December 26, 2019 in Habits, Models, Nature

The last time I emptied a load of household garbage, and therefore started filling this load was September 2018. The time before that was, I think, June 2017. I figure I’ll also empty my recycling. I see from when I put my high school love letters in the recycling that I started filling this load in late October, meaning I’m filling my paper recycling faster than I expected. I don’t[…] Keep reading →

Year 9, day 1. Nearly 150,000.

on December 22, 2019 in Fitness, Habits, SIDCHAs

On December 22, 2011, a friend and I challenged ourselves to do ten burpees a day for thirty days. As I had aged out of playing ultimate at the level I wanted to, squeezed enough sense of accomplishment from running marathons that I wanted, and didn’t want to pay to use the gym down the block, which I might not go to in the rain and required changing, reshowering, and[…] Keep reading →

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