Category Archives: Visualization

Video: What’s wrong with New York City?

on June 19, 2021 in Nature, Visualization

New York City’s Washington Square Park has been in the news for its rampant drug use, partying, and cops alternating between doing nothing and clamping down like riot police. I live around the corner and have gone there daily without fail for over a year to pick up litter, forming relationships with some of the dealers and users. Mostly to perform what I consider a civic duty and what any[…] Keep reading →

Pollution:Earth :: Obesity:Body

on May 8, 2021 in Fitness, Freedom, Habits, Nature, Tips, Visualization

This headline, Goodwill Doesn’t Want Your Broken Toaster, reminding me of my recent post that lines to dump worthless junk on Goodwill are often longer than the lines to buy it prompted me to post an idea I’ve had for a long time but for some reason haven’t posted. Pollution on the Earth is obesity on our bodies, manifesting our values and behaviors in different places. This: is this: The[…] Keep reading →

At a loss for words at people playing with their fat

on May 4, 2021 in Fitness, Nonjudgment, Visualization

I’m no Shakespeare, but I think I express myself well with words. Despite everyone telling me to use it more, I don’t use social media that much. Someone shared the video below. I tried to describe it to someone. I said, “These two women were showing off their fat and it looked like. . .” And I found myself unable to find anything else in nature or my experience that[…] Keep reading →

The Story of Plastic Animated Short Video

on April 21, 2021 in Art, Nature, Visualization

Anyone who knows me knows I read and watch a lot on sustainability and the environment. Most of their information I already knew or I find they disengage people. The Story of Stuff team’s work stands apart, especially The Story of Plastic. I recommend watching all their videos, starting with the short below, since you’re here. Following last year’s panel on the awesome, tragic movie, The Story of Plastic, they’ve[…] Keep reading →

Finally, I illustrated what’s missing from sustainability

on April 13, 2021 in Leadership, Nature, Visualization

Working on the book proposal, I finally saw how to illustrate what’s missing from sustainability. It’s simplicity almost embarrasses me that I didn’t think of creating it before, except that I remember that simplicity comes from more work, not less. The Venn diagram below illustrates what we’re missing. We don’t lack facts or bold ideas. We lack leaders experienced in Leadership Science and complex systems Living sustainably, not just talk.[…] Keep reading →

Vegan Seitan Stew, 4 minutes prep time (video)

on March 4, 2021 in Fitness, Tips, Visualization

I saw a post on Reddit’s community on vegan fitness that talked about making seitan with a prep time of 90 minutes. I responded 90 minutes sounds insane. I make mine with a prep time of about two minutes. Add water and soy sauce to wheat gluten, mix with spoon then with hands, cut into pieces. Then put in pressure cooker with stew for a few minutes cooking time. Maybe[…] Keep reading →

Is the best book on the environment a picture book you can finish in a sitting?

on February 3, 2021 in Art, Awareness, Nature, Visualization

I’ve read a lot of books on nature. Most focus on facts, figures, and information that don’t help. To the extent they provoke emotion, they do so heavyhandedly, lacking genuineness or authenticity. If you’re explaining, you’re losing, as a former U. S. President said, and most books on nature explain. I just finished a book, Over, which you can review online in its entirety for free. It’s mostly a book[…] Keep reading →

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