Category Archives: Visualization

Stop before you ruin it: Math that improves your life

on January 1, 2016 in Awareness, Fitness, Models, Nature, Visualization

Do you hate doing things that take effort and get you no results? You’re probably doing it a lot without realizing it, especially if you don’t understand this simple concept I’ll illustrate below. If you’d like to stop wasting your time, energy, and other resources on things that don’t help your life, read on. Some things work like this: If the temperature goes up in Fahrenheit, it also goes up[…] Keep reading →

Does this bottle disgust you?

on November 12, 2015 in Awareness, Nature, Visualization

I saw this bottle at an event. I’ve seen ones like it before, but this time I couldn’t help feeling disgust. Why disgust? Because there is no need to package that amount of water for whatever people are using it for. It won’t quench the thirst of anyone thirsty to the point of it affecting their health. For everyone else, it’s just a superficial holdover for a few minutes. No[…] Keep reading →

Maturity and pasta

on October 2, 2015 in Fitness, Nature, Stories, Visualization

I used to think of pasta and rice as staples—that is, the basic food of a meal to put everything else around. Over the years I’ve decreased the pasta, rice, and other staples in favor of vegetables. Now that I see restaurants’ goals less to healthily nourish you and more to entertain your mouth and eyes, I see so-called staples as ways to increase their profit at the expense of[…] Keep reading →

Recycling doesn’t pollute much less than throwing stuff away

on September 29, 2015 in Models, Nature, Perception, Visualization

Throwing things away so they’ll end up in landfills pollutes. No two ways about it. Not using something in the first place doesn’t pollute. Recycling feels like it’s roughly in the middle. If you only have two comparisons and no objective scale, how else can you compare something in the middle but roughly in the middle. Since I wanted to feel better about myself, I probably thought of recycling as[…] Keep reading →

How to make less more

on September 28, 2015 in Awareness, Fitness, Models, Nature, Perception, Tips, Visualization

I eat a lot of mixed nuts and peanut butter. As far as I know, they’re all healthy to someone without allergies. I eat a lot of them. I found a site that shows pictures of two hundred calories of various foods. I like and eat a lot of broccoli. Here’s two hundred calories of broccoli: Looks like an amount that would go a long way to filling me up.[…] Keep reading →

“Get in touch with your masculine/feminine side” misunderstands and undervalues men and women

on August 19, 2015 in Awareness, Models, Nature, Nonjudgment, Perception, Visualization

Two quotes misunderstand and undervalue people, I contend: “You should get in touch with your masculine side.” “You should get in touch with your feminine side.” People say the first to women mainly, sometimes men, to imply they should learn to act more like mainstream views of men, like learning to fix things around the house, not sweating small things, and enjoying things like pizza and beer. People say the[…] Keep reading →

This is not leadership. It makes people think it is and that’s part of why we have poor leaders, part 3

on July 2, 2015 in Leadership, Models, Relationships, Visualization

“Just do what I say.” “Do it now.” “John, do X. Sally, do Y. I’ll do Z. Then we’ll met and put everything together.” Wouldn’t leadership be easy if we could tell everyone what to do and they’d do it? It never seems to work like that, though, does it? Most people understand that problems come up. They don’t always realize that command-and-control leadership often discourages people from working with[…] Keep reading →

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