Search Results for: population

Lies We Tell Ourselves When We Pollute (Inc.)

on December 22, 2017 in Awareness,, Models, Nature, Perception, Podcast

Lies We Tell Ourselves When We Pollute We all want clean air, water, and land, yet pollute more than necessary. Leaders act with responsibility, accountability, and self-awareness. Our leadership vacuum on the environment I hook my audiences easily in my workshops on my podcast, Leadership and the Environment, by saying, Raise your hand if you like pollution, rising sea levels, and more plastic in the ocean than fish. No hands ever go up. I continue, Now raise your[…] Keep reading →

003: Elizabeth Kolbert, Conversation 1: Honest reporting, full transcript

on November 30, 2017 in Podcast

Elizabeth Kolbert presents a practical adult perspective on the environment. This is what’s happening without fanfare, without sensationalism, something that adults can act on. I highly recommend her book The Sixth Extinction for which she won the Pulitzer Prize and I highly recommend reading her many articles in The New Yorker in which she treats these environmental issues, often adding a human element, a historical perspective, but not telling you[…] Keep reading →

003: Elizabeth Kolbert, Conversation 1: Honest reporting

on November 30, 2017 in Podcast

Reading Elizabeth Kolbert’s haunting The Sixth Extinction was difficult but enlightening. She presents what most people fear facing but is happening around us. We are causing the loss of almost unbelievably large parts of the natural world on which we rely without realizing it—sleepwalking, I would say. Her writing in the New Yorker covers more issues most people are too uncomfortable to learn about: overpopulation, the limits of technology to[…] Keep reading →

Immature, spoiled eating habits and the Yummy Phase

on November 24, 2017 in Audio, Humor, Perception

The more I cook for myself, the more I appreciate nuance, subtlety, complexity, variety, and so forth in food, as well as the expression of the person who prepared the food. Also, the more I see others as stuck in the yummy phase, which describes the United States population increasingly in number and increasingly in areas beyond food. What’s the yummy phase? The urban dictionary defines it effectively: The period[…] Keep reading →

Changing the World Starts at Home: Hear Me on Growthbusters

on November 20, 2017 in Audio, Nature

Dave Gardner lived a successful mainstream corporate life, but then started looking at the world around him and seeing problems mainstream society is missing. After scratching the surface, you can’t help but find our drive for growth—usually enumerated through GDP and population—at the root. Dave created a documentary, Growthbusters, questioning growth. He’s asking the critical questions of our time that nearly everyone is ignoring, leading them to miss important issues[…] Keep reading →

The Business Skills That Will Solve Global Warming

on October 31, 2017 in, Leadership, Nature

My Inc. post today, “The Business Skills That Will Solve Global Warming,” begins The Business Skills That Will Solve Global Warming Science and education got us far, but won’t get us to the finish line. We need to understand what motivates people and use it to change our behavior. As New York City prepares for another 74 degree November day this week, it’s getting harder to remember that warm weather isn’t climate. Sadly,[…] Keep reading →

Attend an event with Generation 180 Tuesday at 7:30pm in NYC: A clean energy nonprofit doing effective, meaningful work

on October 20, 2017 in Events, Nature

Want to make a difference? Many environmental organizations tell others what to do—trying to pass laws, spreading facts, promoting new technologies, and such. I support them, but I think they’re missing what’s most important today in the United States. People know what they should do and what they value. They aren’t acting consistently with it. They want to pollute less, create less garbage, reduce their emissions, but they aren’t. New[…] Keep reading →

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